chapter 15 let the second exam begin: The forest of death

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Your pov

I felt Naruto walking up behind me, I moved away as he was about to jump onto my back.

"Try being quieter. Oh, where is Sasuke and Sakura?" I asked, I found Sasuke but the pink haired female who was normally glued to Sasuke.

"She ran home to have the paper signed. Then we get our scrolls and we begin." I heard Sasuke say behind my back. I turned to find him standing there, and Naruto now at his side.

"Oh. We need a plan. So lets think of something and tell pinky when she gets back." I said, smiling at the new nickname I could tell Ino later. Naruto frowned slightly before he nodded, I sat down on the ground and pulled out all my ninja tools. I had packed as much as I could run without making a sound. "Dump out your stuff. I need to see what we can pull off." I said as Naruto did as I said, then Sasuke did as well.

I sorted through everything, about thirty paper bombs we each have multiple kunai and same with Shuriken. We have six trip wires and we each have one line of string. Now all we n- I was pulled out if my thoughts by Sakura running up to us.

"Let me see your equipment." I said. She nodded and did as told her toI sorted through everything added seven more paper bombs some more kunai and shuriken, and two more tripwires and one line of string. "Alright." I said and packed up my stuff and the others did the same.

"Okay, heres something." I started, pulling everyone together. "Sasuke, will carry the scroll. I, can make a fake one and have the others follow me. We split into two man squads and camp separately but close enough we can get to each other. The squads will be Sasuke and Sakura and me and Naruto. We will set up traps around each camp, so no one can get in without us knowing. This will be close to the tower." I said and looked around before I noticed a red head from the sand village. They looked familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. (He's an OC of mine. And I love him.)

Not important. "I'll go get the scroll." I said and started towards the stand where we got our scrolls. We got an earth scroll, I tucked it into my bag and went over to the others.

??? Pov

I was with my team, listening to them ramble on about whatever. We had a mission to carry out here, and I was planning to carry it out no matter what. My eyes moved to the (h/c) female we needed to grab and get home with. This might be kind of hard, but, she can't do very much when going against another one of her clan members can she now? Since she doesn't know the clans secret.

"Hey, Akuhei. (His name roughly translates to evil.) Who are we after again? Some rogue member of your clan?" One of my team mates asked.

"(Y/n), (L/n). The last known member of the main family. We have been asked to bring her home. To the hidden sand. And we must do that without fail." I spoke quietly to the other two. They nodded as I looked back to the female as she messed around with the other three on her squad.

Your pov

Then we heard the proctor for the exam start to speak, going through everything, how long we would be in there and what we must do. I nodded and turned to the others, after we were told to go to a gate. I went to a gate and looked at my team before we seen the gate open and we ran in.

We hid in a tree, as I went over the plan for Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke.

Timeskip brought to you by my tiger named Tyrone

I stood in front of Sakura, taking any attack thay happened while her and Sasuke were in shock from the genjutsu. Orochimaru, watched as blood from my mouth and wounds dripped to the ground. I stayed in my defensive stance before he placed me into a genjutsu as well.

I watched my own death before I was brought back to tje night of my parents death. I sat in my room, painting happily when I heard a scream, I ran to the Window and broke it, then, someone caught my eye. A person, wearing a red and black cloak, and a straw hat. Then I hid under my bed crying and shaking. Before I was released and was being carried by Sasuke. I gasped as I was able to move again. We landed and I stood up, healing myself before I seen Naruto. I grinned as I watched him before I became light headed and fell over, barely conscious anymore.

I don't know how long it was, but I felt an awful pain in my neck as I laid there. Then I heard Sakura and Orochmaru talking, something about Sasuke and me. Then, I fell unconscious again.

The next time I woke up, the pain in my neck was gone and I sat up before I stared at the horrible sight in front of me. Sasuke had broken a sound ninjas arms, and, he had an odd mark that was spread throughout his body.

Thats when the pain returned, I let out a screech of pain and fell over, scratching at the mark on my neck. I wanted it gone, I couldn't live with pain that ran through my body at the moment. I fell unconscious again, but woke up when I felt someone hitting my cheek. I groaned and hit them in the face, I heard Naruto gasp and drop me on the ground. I opened my eyes as I landed. I grunted and sat up, seeing we were outside of the tower, then i looked at the others, Sasuke looked fine, same with Sakura and Naruto.

Was it all a dream? No, that pain that I felt was real. I was bit by something, and... Sasuke was too. Orochmaru was there too. "(Y/n), come on." Naruto said and smiled at me. I nodded and followed him and the others. We walked inside and I collapsed on the ground, my eyes wide as I laid there.

"Can I stay here?" I asked, only to hear some people laugh. I looked up to see my team along with a team of hidden sand ninja.

"Nice to see you again, (Y/n). Or should I say princess of the (L/n) clan." The red head said with a smile. Sakura gave me a questioning look along with Naruto.

I then stood up, as I stared at the male in front of me, who had offered me a hand to help me up. I didn't take his hand and stood up on my own. "Don't call me that. I have more family in the hidden sand." I said.

They grinned slightly. "Then allow us to introduce ourselves, I am Akuhei (L/n). And this, is my squad. It is nice to know you didn't die along qith the rest of the main branch." He said and gave a smile. "Well, we must go now. Good bye, Princess." He said, the other two also saying 'Good bye, Princess.'

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