chapter 12: the sand village ninja

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Your pov

After the party, I kicked everyone out of my house so I could clean up. Naruto decided he didn't want to leave my side and didn't leave my house. Soon, I gave up and let him stay where he was standing.

"Happy?" I mumbled and turned away from him before I started to clean the house up. Then I turned to Naruto who was touching everything he seen. My eyes widened as I watched the blonde touch everything.

"Naruto" I hissed, he flinched dropping a picture he was holding. It was only my parents and me, I stared at the picture as it fell to the ground. Then, I snapped out of it and grabbed it, saving the picture.

"Sorry.." Naruto mumbled, looking at me as I put the framed photo back on the dusty shelf.

I looked at him and smiled slightly, "its okay! No need to worry." I put a fake smile on again. He bought it easily and started to look around, this time not touching anything.

Time skip (brought to you by Carl the llama)

Your pov

I finished cleaning the house and went to show Naruto his room for the night. I dragged him up stairs and passed my fathers study.

He pulled out of grip before he entered the room and looked around. His blue eyes then moved to the ground as I turned on the light as I watched him. He picked up a black feather from the ground, it, looked like a ravens feather.

"Hey, (Y/n). Did your dad have a bird?" Naruto asked.

I shook my head as I spoke, "no, not that I knew of. But this room was broken into before you kidnapped me." I said and sighed. He stayed silent before he sighed and dropped the feather again. "Lets go." I said before I pulled him out of the room and locked the door again, never wanting to go back in there again. But, something told me, that I would again very soon.

I took Naruto to a clean room that was quite large and had a king sized bed in the middle. "Please, do what ever you want in here. Just.. try not to break anything." I said as I stared at the bedroom that used to be my parents.

"Thanks (Y/n)!" He said before he went over to the bed. Then, I left, watching the ground as I went to my room. I laid down on the bed, pulling my covers over myself before I went to bed.

-in the morning-

I woke up to a certain blonde shaking me awake, he was saying something but, I didn't catch it. "Go away Naruto." I mumbled before I grabbed his hair and sat up. My (e/c) eyes watching him, they were cold and seemed to glare daggers at him. Then, I let go of his hair and he pulled away from me.

But, he didn't lose his good mood. "Come on! Get up. I hear there are new people! From the sand village!" My eyes widened before he I jumped out of bed and pushed him out of my room before I got dressed and grabbed my bag.

"Lets go!" I said and ran out of the empty house, Naruto then took the lead, leading me to where the three were. I sat in a tree as I watched them, Naruto sitting above me.

"You know their names?" I asked, looking up at him.

He shrugged before he spoke, "the one with no eye brows is Gaara of the Desert. Uhh the one with the thing on his back is Kankuro. Then pinktails girl is Temari." Naruto explained, looking at me as I nodded.

"Why are they here?" I asked.

Naruto paused, looking to them then to me, "for the chuuin exams." He answered before I noticed Gaara was gone and there was a pressure on my back. I looked back to see him, staring down at me and Naruto.

"H-hi." I shuttered.

"Why are you watching us?" He asked, his voice and expression was empty, expressionless. He reminds me of.. me.  When they died.  I thought and looked at Naruto.

"I was told there were sand ninja in the leaf. S-so I asked Naruto to show me to you guys." I said, then I stood up, keeping my balance as I did this.

"Hey Gaara! Who's the girl?" The male named Kankuro asked.

My eyes moved to him, then, I answered, "I am (Y/n) (L/n). And don't call me 'girl'. I have a name and I prefer you use it." I said and turned away, jumping off of the branch.

I landed with grace before I started to walk away. Then, I was stopped by an arm, my eyes moved to the owner of the arm, only to see Temari blocking my way.

"You need something? I kind of want to go home. Where I can train." I said, my (e/c) eyes going blank.

"I've heard of you." Temari started, "your family was all murdered." She continued, my expression darkened as I stared at the blonde.

"So what? Their dead now. And I'm over it." I said. I just lied about them... I'm not over it. I'm going to kill who ever killed them. They will pay for making me suffer. And oay for taking their lives. I thought, keeping the same expression as before, dark and lonely.

The blonde didn't say anything else, her hand moving back to her side. Then, I continued to walk, not bothering to say much more to them.  Soon, I was at my clans house, I sat down on the bench that looked over the private training grounds.

I felt tears threaten to fall, but I held them back, listening to the silence of my property. I didn't like the silence that was here, I could say that i hate it. Then, to get rid of it, I started to sing,

"Cause I've got a jet black heart,
And theres a hurricane underneath it,
Trying to keep us apart..."

My voice trailed off as my mind turned to my parents. The tears my then started to fall as i stood up. I removed my shoes so I could train freely before I went to grab my training clothes. Once I was changed, i left my room and went to the training grounds again. Then, I bowed slightly before I started to practice my chakra control, i went over to a small pool of water and stepped onto it.

I almost fell over many times before I hot the hang of it, I smirked and crossed my arms, my eyes brights. But they were still red from crying. Then I went to the tree in my yard and sighed, I started this training with my parents, but we never finished. Then, I did as they told me before, gather chakra in my feet and so on. Then, I started up the tree, keeping myself calm as I walked up then upside down.

Sasukes pov

I was on my over to (Y/n)'s house to see if she knew about the chuuin exams coming up. Once at her clans house I knocked on the door, once she didn't answer, I let myself in. Looking at all the photos that hung on the wall of her family. Then, the photos stopped and turned into paintings.

I then heard noises coming from behind a door, so I walked over to the open door and looked through the door way see a large peaceful training ground. I spotted (Y/n) walking up a tree then upside down before she went back down.

She seemed almost proud of that, then, I noticed around her eyes were red and puffy, like she had been crying. Then she made hand signs and spoke, "water style: water dragon Justu!" She said, the water that came from her mouth formed a dragon that attacked a training dummy.

I watched her before I cleared my thoat, watching as she turned around to look at me. "Oh! Sasuke!  When did you get here? And why are you here?" She asked.

I sighed, answering her questions, "When you walking up and down a tree. And the reason being, is to make sure you know about the exams. That our team is taking part of. And to give you this." I handed her a paper before I left.

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