chapter 17: kiddnapped, the hidden sand village

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Your pov

I stayed over the persons back, not fighting back as I watched my home fade away. "Oh! I see our Princess is awake." Someone said as I looked at them. I seen Akuhei, a smile worn on his face. His teammates were at his side, their names were Kou and Helena.

Then, the person that was carrying me must be their sensei. I never got his name, so I didn't speak. My eyes moved to the ground as I slowly slipped unconscious again. When I woke up, I was tied up and on the ground near a fire with blankets and pillows on and under me.

I immediately sat up and looked around, I didn't recognize this place, it must be near thw boarder of the sand. Then I heard a voice, causing me to look at the sourse. It was Helena, she must of noticef had woken up.

"Yeah, I'm awake... where are we?" I asked, the green eyes female looked at me with a smile.

"We are going to the sand village where you will stay with your family and resume command of them. You are the last from the main family remember." She replied and walked over to me before she made me comfortable.

"No! I want... I want to go home!" I was about to yell before she knocked me out so I didn't make a noise.

When I woke up again, I seen sand, everywhere was sand. Nowhere I looked had a patch of green, it was just sand. Then, I looked at where we were heading. I seen a large wall, where he were stopped and i was shown off before brought inside. Akuhei was carrying me now, not over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes. But in his arms, where he hugged me to his chest.

"Let go of me..." I whispered, causing him to look down at me. "I said... Let go of me!" I yelled and started to struggle against him, causing him to drop me. Then, I managed to escape the ropes and run, as fast and as far as i could. Then I ran into someone. I fell back before I scrambled to my feet and looked at them. Only to see the sand ninja Gaara who  gave me a blank look before I pushed pass him and continued to run. My feet burnt on the sand, but I didn't do anything about it.

"Water style: water prison jutsu!" I yelled and was caught in the water prison like planned. I looked at everyone as they tried to get me out as I slowly let my consciousness slip away and the jutsu came undone.

When I woke up again, I was in a hospital, I looked around before I heard yelling outside. It sounded like Kou and Helena, the two must want to see me. "Let them in.." I quietly and the two were let in.

"Princess! You're awake! We are here to show you around the village. And too introduce you to your family." They both said, bowing down to me. I gave them a questioning look before i told them to lift their heads. "But we see you can't leave the hospital." Kou said before he went to my side and sat down on the chair beside me, and Helena had another chair brought in.

I watched the two before I spoke, "why did you guys kidnap me? If you would of let me become old enough to move... I would of moved here with you." I said and smiled slightly.

They gave me a shocked look. "We need to talk Akuhei about this." Kou said and stood up, I grabbed Helenas hand and sat her down again.

"Kou can go. Can you stay here with me? These hospital rooms are kind of lonely." I said only to have her nod and let Kou leave without her. "Helena. I need you to make a distraction, and a lie so I can leave and go home. I'll be back." I told her.

Helena seemed to keep calm as I spoke, but once I was done she shook her head. Then I heard footsteps outside of my doorway. Then I heard Kou and Akuhei outside, they seemed to be arguing. I got out of bed and silently walked over to the door and opened it enough to stop their argument.

"Shut up. This is a hospital." I hissed at the two in front of me. Akuhei turned to me and bowed along with Kou. "Get up. I'm not one for bowing. Now, have you come to your decision, Akuhei?" I asked.

"The Hidden Leaf is coming to get you now. Your clan is ready to fight for you." Akuhei said before looked at Helena that was beside me.

"Tell them to stand down." I said before I closed the door and changed into the clothes in the closet, it was my training clothes. I then left my hospital room and looked at them. "I will take control for the time being. But when I am gone at the Hidden Leaf village. I will give command to another family member." I said and pushed pass them and left the hospital. My (h/l) (h/c) was messy but pushed back by the cool evening breeze.

"Take me to the clan house." I said as Akuhei nodded and we walked to the entrance of village but we turned to the right where there was a wall made of sandstone and the clans symbol (I'll draw it later.) all around the wall. We walked in, looking around. It was like it's own little town, buzzing with life and kids were running around playing ninja.

I was brought to a large house in the center of this place, people where bringing furniture inside and there were guards at every doorway and window. I was brought inside and then brought to the meeting room. When I was brought in, everyone stopped talking and looked at me before they bowed.

My (e/c) eyes watched them before I smiled and told them to lift their heads. "Who was in charge while I was gone?" I said loudly so everyone could hear me.

"Akuhei's father was. Then he died and we came to get you." Someone spoke, my eyes moved to a person with black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Who took change while I was being brought here?" I asked and no one spoke. "No one? I want someone to take change until I return to this place. You may decide among yourselves."

Then Akehei spoke with the two others. "(Y/n). The Leaf is here for you. What do you want us to do?" They asked.

I turned around and looked at them. "I'm going with them." I said and started to walk away.

"Mistress! Wait! We want you to take one of our clanmates with you." One of the people said and pulled and person up beside them. "His name is Raven. And we have chosen him to protect you. Please, bring him with you, so he may provide protection. And he can train you so you can learn more about the jutsu's our clan possess." The person said and brought Raven closer to me. He was short and had red eyes and brown hair.

I nodded slightl, not wanting to keep the others waiting. "Very well. Lets go Raven." I said and left without another word. I went to the main entrance for the village. I seen a team made up of the anbu, they were watching me carefully then looked at Raven who stood by my side.

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