chapter 24: disaster at the exams

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Your pov

It was time for the last exam. Time to show what we had to offer the village. Of course I would pass either way, but i still needed to take it.

I got into my training uniform and left to the arena. I walked in and stood by the others that were. I stood beside Gaara and looked at him before looking at the ground again. I kicked the ground and found Naruto  and went over to him and smiled.

He grinned. "So, you ready for the exam?" He asked excitedly. 

I shrugged. "Ish. But i know no matter who I face I'll  go to being a part of the anbu black ops. So that takes the fun out of it." I said to my best friend.

We smiled before I noticed a red haired girl that wore a hidden rain headband. She was small but you could clearly see why she was here. She had burn marks on her right side, and the left eye seemed to be sewn shut. But, she kept a smile on her face even now. She seemed nice, but something told me that wouldn't last long.

I then heard our instructions and I went to my spot.  But, I was soon called down into thw arena so i could fight. When I got there, I heard someone else get called down. Her name was Ryo. The girl from before jumped into the arena. Her eye moved to me and she bowed, and I bowed back to show my respect. 

We got into fighting positions and I used my water to my advantage.  Once we could fight, I did. "Water style: water pistol!" I yelled and shot the water at her. She was knocked back, but was saved from injury by a wall of earth.

"Earth style: earth prison!" She said and a wall of earth formed around me. I jumped out at the last moment and made a hand sign. "Water style: water prison." I said and soon enough a prison of water wrapped around her body and trabbed her. She let out a breath of water before she went unconscious. Then, I released her and bowed to her body as she was taken away. The winner was announced and i went to my spot and sat down with a sigh before looking at Naruto who went down into the arena next to fight.

Sometime into everything Sasuke had shown up and had started his fight with Gaara.  Most people were cheering in Sasuke since he is one if the last remaining Uchiha. But sometjing seemed off. From Gaara hiding in his sand, to people randomly moving to places that seemed to be organized  in a way. I scowled and stood up. I told the others I would be back and went to the hokage d Kazekage.

I walked to the Hokages side and was about to speak when I was cut off. "Who is this?" The Kazekage asked and looked over to me. "Is she not just one of the Genin taking part in the exam?" He asked.

The Hokage shook his head. "I have arranged for her to be placed in the Anbu tomorrow. We can use her in many units thanks to her jutsus. And the ability to use multiple chakra natures. She really is useful. I thinking of just moving her to being a Hunter ninja. But, she wants to be in the anbu Assassination and Crytology, Forgery and Spying. So she is in two units. I think she can be useful in those two." He said and smiled at me. "But what do you need?" He asked.

I smiled back. "I'm sensing something is off about the exam.." I said quietly so only the Hokage could hear me. His eyes darkened as he nodded and made orders to highten the security. As I was walking away, I was pulled aside by the Kazekage. "(Y/n).. was it? Yes now I remember.. Caine has your orders. Follow them and I'll  take your clan in.. one last test before everything  is good." He whispered to me. I nodded and ran off, leaving them.

I managed to get Raven and make him follow me to where I had seen Caine. I walked up to him and crossed my arms. "Orders now." I said to him.

He flinched and looked back to me. "Oh! Right! Let me find them!" He said and sorted through all the papers he had and gave me one.  "Burn it after your done." He said and ran off to meet with some sound village ninja near by. I then started to read it.
-The exam will be attacked today in ten minutes. When Gaara runs off, I want you to but everyone under a genjutsu to put them to sleep.
- Go to where the Hokage and me are at the moment to help kill the Hokage.
- Your final order is to follow me and the others to the hideout. Then further orders and questions can be give and answered.
Do as told and your clan will be safe.

I stared at the note before I burnt it and turned around and went to the stands to get ready. I stood in silence, Raven by my side as I talked with my friends like it was a normal day.

Once Gaara had run off with his team, I activated the genjutsu and put most to sleep. I watched my friends fall before running towards the meeting place with Raven. Follow orders and be led by Orochmaru... kill all who get in my way. I thought and pulled my mask on as I met the other anbu at the box. I pulled a scroll from my pocket. I unrolled it and put my blood on the seal and my puppets appeared. The puppet looked like it was made of bones, swords that looks like a bone at the hips. And a black dress on her body. "Secret Hallow technique: dance of the bone queen." I said and grinned under my mask at them. I could almost feel the fear as the puppet I used danced around the roof with her swords drawn, cutting through the anbu black ops as they went after my chakra strings. I managed to kill one with my hands. I looked inside as the Hokage stared at me in horror.  Once the anbu were dead I put my puppet away and made a hand sign. "Time style: teleportion." I said and soon appeared at Orochmarus side.

"Ahh (Y/n). So glad for you to join us now." He said and smiled. I just looked at him and nodded slightly.

I was told to let Orochmaru handle the Hokage and I did. The Hokage died and Orochmaru's arms were taken. He was grumbling as he was carried back by his servents. "So where did you pick this one up?" One asked.

"She is an anbu black op. She deals with assassination, spying, forgery and Crytology. She was the one  that cut through the rain village girl without a problem." He said. I could hear Naruto near by and I could see a frog and the One tails. I ignored it and continued on. Naruto is on his own now.. I'm going to get my revenge... weather he likes it or not...

That is all for today! Hope you like it. Sorry I haven't  been active, i havent been using my tablet so yeah.. but im back now with new ideas and jutsus for you! And thank you for all the reads! I am very grateful.. I'll be making another book like this one with a different plot for a male reader! So check that out when I make it! Keep reading! Once again hope you enjoyed!

Tobi😛 out!

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