chapter 20: The hidden sound ninja

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Your pov

After training with the anbu, I started to walk home wanting to sleep when I got there. But, thats not how life works whenever I'm like this, mext thinh I'll know, I'll be hanging out with Naruto, or arguing with Sakura.

But, to my surprise none of that happened.

When I got home the door the wide open and my stuff was scattered on the floor. Grabbing my katana and pulling it from the case, I followed the mess. When I got to a room The door was somewhat open. It was my fathers study. A frown grew on my face as I pushed the door open to look at a boy, no older then I, digging through the desk.

"Who are you? And why are you in my house?" I growled, and pointed the katana at him.

He looked up at me and gave a smile, his hair was long and dirty blonde and he had blue eyes. He stared at me for a second before he answered, "I'm Caine!" He chirped. His voice made my ears hurt. "And I'm here on a secret mission, so don't tell the owner of the house." He said and shhed me.

I put my katana away before speaking again, "Get out of my house before I kill you." I said with a hiss before he grabbed a folded paper and extended it to me.

"I was told to give this to you! If I met you, it's supposed to giveme a chance in getting away!" He chirped, my ears started to ring.

I frowned and took the paper from him before I ripped it up and dropped it on the ground. Letting the paper scatter on the ground before started towards the person known as 'Caine'. A look of fear came onto his face before he blurted, "don't hurt me I'm straight!" This caught me off guard. Then I started to laugh, getting a weird look from him as I held my stomach.

"What? What are you laughing at?" He asked me, giving me a questioning look.

"You said 'Don't hurt me I'm straight!' You think I'm not going to laugh? Oh god. That was funny." I said amd wipped fake tears from my eyes before I looked at him again. But, I couldn't help but laugh again.

"Stop laughing at me! It wasn't funny, I panicked and said the first thing that came to mind." He argued.

Once I had stopped laughing I pulled him down the stairs and to the livingroom and sat him down. "Why are you in my house?" I questioned, giving him a serious look.

He answered without a problem, a smile on his face. "I'm looking for some important documents. Rumored to have been in your possession." He smiled.

"Important documents... oh I used them for fire paper when I was camping with Naruto. So their history. What were they?" I had lied, I had them in my room in my desk.

His face dropped when he heard my answer, "They were my ticket to becoming a real ninja. But they had information on the (L/n) clan, You being the last member of the main family, I figured you would have them. But, there gone now, so I need to find more information on you guys." He said and stood up, only to be pushed back down.

"Why do you need information on my clan?" I said to him, my eyes narrowed at him.

He grinned, "my master wants your clan to join him. He is powerful and will lead anyone who joins to power." He said with a stupid smile.

Then, the mark on my neck started to throb, sending a horrible pain throughout my neck. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor in pain, crying out in pain.

"Oh! I see you've already met him! How interesting. And him giving you the mark on your first encounter too. Oh how I wish that happened to me. But it didn't happen. Well, now back to the point, wanna join?" He asked in a cheering tone, looking at me as I flinched.

The pain was almost unbearable at this point. My fingers were digging into my neck as if trying to remove the mark on my neck. "N-n-never." I said as i looked at him as a frown grew on his face.

"Must I list all of the abilities you will gain with joining? If you join us, your clan will be put to good use, and you will be able to go into second stage transformation. Which gives you a chakra boost. Also, we have great connections, so you can get what ever you want. And all the jutsus you want. Just think, you being one of the most feared ninja in history. Think of it (Y/n), all the opportunities just laying in front of you. Thanks to that mark and your clan." Caine said to me. The pain subsided and I stood up, looking at him.

"I just joined the anbu black ops, I think I'll be fine here. But thanks for the offer. When I am moved to the Hidden sand, come and talk to me again. Then I will have your answer. For now, get ou-" I was cut off by Raven.

"Why are you in here?" He was beside me, holding a weapon to the ninjas throat.

"We were just talking about your clan. And what she will do with it! Is that so wrong?" He replied with a smile. His cheery mood made Raven cringe and move away from him.

"Princess, your orders?" The boy asked me, which made me look at him.

"Escort him off of the property." I replied and went to go and train in the courtyard.

But, as I passed Caine he whispered into my ear, " Orochmaru predicted you would say this." He whispered into my ear and left with Raven holding a weapon to his neck.

I stared at the door to the training grounds, thinking of what he said over and over again in my head. He knew I would say that?  How did he know what I would say?  I asked over and over again in my head, wanting the answers. But, knowing I wouldn't get them just standing here.

Then I left the house, getting Raven following me. I went to the library and started my research on Orochmaru. I found his old team, and what they participated in. Then, i found he was a rouge ninja that likes learning new ninjutsus and so on. Once I was done, my mind was made up, If it would help my clan, I would join him.

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