chapter 23: a sleep over. Halloween edition

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I ate silently listening to the others talk, they were talking about some sort of holiday coming up. I continued to eat when I seen Naruto give a grin. His eyes moved to me as I ate silently. 

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't look at me when I'm eating Naruto. We've gone over this. And if you continue your going to be bird food." I said with a sweet smile.

I watched as he went back to eating then I sighed and continued to eat as well. Then, Raven stood up and left me and other two alone together. I gave him a questioning look before continuing my eating. Before long we were all done and waiting on Raven who came back with five bags, one filled with candys and pops the others had some sort of clothing in them.

We went back to the inn and Raven shoved me into a bathroom with one of the bags and told me to change into the clothes.

I looked at the outfit and seen that it was a simple outfit, it was a kimono with sandals and some makeup along with hair pins. I shrugged and started to put everything on. Once I was dressed and smiled and did the makeup and then the hair. I left the bathroom to see Raven dressed aswell as Naruto and Sasuke.

"I have a question, why am I wearing this?" I asked the black haired male who was messing around with his hair.

"Because there is a festival going on today in this village. And we're going. It's to honor the dead or something. So get ready for a night of your lives." He grinned at us. Naruto started to cheer and my face dropped.

"I don't wanna go. I'll stay here and hold down the fort and prepare for an after party between us. Just bring me some cotton candy or something." I said as Naruto grabbed my arm.

"Come on. You have to come. It will be fun." He begged me, refusing to release my arm from his grasp.

My eyes moved to him as I scowled and looked at Sasuke for help but he was just watching us with a frown. "Naruto, get off. I'm not in the mood for you to be touching me. Its annoying and who knows what you've touched since you last had a shower." I said in annoyance. Then, I fell on top of him, sprawling out ontop of him. "This solves it." I said and smiled as Naruto was trying to get out of underneath me.

He looked at me with begging eyes before Igot of him. I sat on a chairs and smiled at them. "So it is a plan, you three go out, don't get killed while I plan an after party. Now go." I said happily before I watched them leave and start to set everything up. I turned around and looked at the bag of pop, chips and candy.

I left the room with a pocket full of money, wanting to buy more things for the sleep over.  I walked pass an alleyway and just as i was about to completely pass it I was dragged in.

"Hey, look. A lady all alone on the way to the festival.  I bet she has a pocket full of money judging by the way she is dressed." Someone said.

I kept on a smile as i looked at them. "Your right by the pocket full of money thing. But, I need it for something. I also don't take kindly to people pulling me into filthy alleyways just for chats." I said in a bored tone.

Someone growled. "We pulled you in here to take your money and kill you, you dumb bitch." They hissed at me.

I glared at them. "Believe me. All we are doing is chatting. This isn't even a fight." I said in reply, crossing my arms. A kuni knife slipping into my hand.

"Why you little.." they trailed away as they lunged at me to get to my neck.

"Water style: water pellet." I said smoothly and shot a bullet of water at him, having it enter his hand. He dropped to the ground int pain as I flipped over him, and looked at the other two.

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