Chapter 16

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Shawn's POV
So when esmay kissed my cheek I was so happy but I wanted to kiss her so bad but I know she's dating kian and I can't hurt him even though I'm in love with her but remember mendes she's his not yours which is what I will tell myself so I don't have the urge to kiss I than just left to my cousin house to tell her about my day with esmay.

Esmay POV
So when I kissed Shawn cheek I did it only because he's a really good friend and I do have a little bit of feelings for I went inside and changed into my sleeping shorts and a big shirt than I facetime kian so I can see his handsome while I was waiting for him to pick up I was just whistling and than he answers than I started to talk to him until it was 3:00 in the morning and my phone was running out of charge so I than I blowed a kiss through the phone than I went to bed.I than woke up and the day was the day I was going to tell my parents about me moving out and in with first I waited until it was time so when we were eating dinner I decided to tell them because at dinner we all sit I tell them "mom,dad I did to tell you something important" my mom replied"yea what is it" and they were just waiting for me to respond so I go and say "you know how I'm dating kian and he left 3 days ago well me and him have been talking and we'll I'm moving in with him" and my mom and dad look at me with there mouth open "but aren't you going to college"my parents ask "yes I'm definitely gonna but over in California they have a great college for me to become a veterinarian" so I answered all the questions and they both understand my decision but there sad because there daughter is leaving already but I'm going to cost them I explained to them than we all started to talk about something else and we than finished eating and I went to my room and called tiff to see if she told her parents.
*call with Tiffany*
Me:hey tiff
Tiff:hey esmay how's it's been without your bae
Me:horrible and you
Tiff:I'm dying here without him
Me:talking about kian and jc did you tell your parents yet?
Tiff:yea my dad was a little mad but I just ignored it because I hate him
Me:well who cares about him
Tiff:thanks esmay well did you finish packing
Me:yeah did you
Me:well you should come over tomorrow because we're leaving after tomorrow so you should bring all your things and will get everything ready
Tiff:sure okay gtg have to take a shower and call jc
Me:later tiff see you tomorrow

We than hanged up and I got a goodnight text from kian and I gave him one back and went to bed.

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