Chapter 20

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We arrived home all tired I,than went to check on bibi and I saw that she needed water so I filled her water bowl up than I walked into my room and grabbed my clothes and went to take a shower and I heard the door open and I said who is it? And it was kian replying saying its me babe and I told him well I'm taking a shower here I said and he replied with I know I just needed to grab something are you sure you don't want me in there with you? He said I told him that no and he than left.once I got out the shower I changed into my clothes,and than blow dried my hair and than put it up in a messy bun.kian was in bed watching TV,so I walked up to the bed and laid next to him and we were just cuddling,I than got up and kian was telling me to not get up but I had to check on bibi so he just accompanied me and than I saw jc and tiff in the living room about to watch a movie a horror movie,tiff asked us if we wanted to watch and I said yes and so did kian but I had to check on bibi first so I asked kian to let the dogs in and he did than bibi jumped on the couch next to me and kian said I thought I was going to lay down next to you? He said with a sadish face than I laughed and said I have another side just for you I said smacking the empty spot for him and he came,and laid next to me and was hugging me and the movie was starting than we wer just watching and the movie ended and we went upstairs to go to bed than bibi and hazel will follow us and they have there beds in there so we let them in and we were just cuddling in bed,kian asked me.

Kian:what do you want to do tomorrow?
Me:how about we go hiking to the Hollywood sign
Kian:sure let's do that and I could film it I need a video for my channel
Me:that sounds great,I'm going to text tiff if jc and her want to go
Kian:how about we ask them in the morning?
Me:sure okay
Kian:let's go to bed now
Me:okay goodnight babe
Kian:goodnight beautiful

Kian fell asleep first but I couldn't so I just went on my phone to text my sister,and I told her that I miss her and to tell mom and dad to.I got a text but not from my sister but from Shawn.

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