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Bill and I were getting firewood from the forest when we heard a scream of pain. We dropped everything and ran the direction of the scream. I stopped at the beginning of the field looking at bill I smell blood bill I said. Follow the smell ok I will try to keep up with you all right I nodded. I followed the scent when I got closer I opened my eyes to see a heap on the ground. I slowly approached it. What I saw made me drop to my knees and scream in horror and tears fell down my cheeks. Bill stood next to me shaking and staring in shock as he saw his wife laying on the ground dead. Her insides were ripped out of her including the baby it to was murdered it was a little boy he had his throat slit and insides ripped out too.

Go check on Amelia and Charlie bill commanded I nodded. I stood up and ran at vampire speed towards the house. The door flew open and I ran around frantically looking for them. I found them in the livingroom sleeping thank god they were safe I thought to myself. Bill came in are they ok I nodded. stay with them I am going to bury Jenny and the baby alright I nodded again. It's now been an hour since bill has been gone Charlie and Amelia were in the kitchen with me playing cars while I cook diner. I heard the front door open and bill entered the kitchen with a bottle of whiskey.


Bill has not been able to put the liquor away since Jenny's death which was two weeks ago. He looked like crap his hair wasn't brushed he hasn't ate either. One night I was in the kitchen Charlie was playing with his car on the table while Amelia sat in her high chair and bill sat next to her. THAT'S IT I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP yelled bill. Making the three of us jump. He stormed out slamming the door. I sighed and countuied dinner. Hey chopper what's wrong with bill asked Charlie with his head tilted. I don't know sweetheart I said. Then I heard a gunshot my head snapped towards the direction of it, I shut the stove off and dropped the spoon Charlie sweetie look at me stay inside ok I said and ran out the door. I found bill leaning up against a tree by his wife's grave with a bottle of whiskey and a pistol in one hand I could not believe it he killed himself leaving me with two little ones. And Amelia was the sickest little girl I have ever seen and I don't even know what to do with a sick child either, and he was a doctor so what did I know. I went back inside to find that Amelia had a giant bugger hanging out of her nose looking at me wide eyed. Amelia what happen honey I asked. Then Charlie came in with a napkin he loved his little sis a lot. He handed it to me and I whipped her nose. Later that night Amelia woke me up her coughing sounded horrible. As I enetered I got a scent of blood. I walked over to Amelia who was coughing up blood. I didn't know what to do besides cradle her and whipe off the blood. I watched the little girl that grew up in my arms die because I had no flipping idea on what to do with a baby that is coughing up blood. I watched as she drew her last struggling breath for air. Her body now laid limp in my arms I held her lifeless body close to my chest sobbing. I walked outside to bury her along side bill and Jenny and their son. I came back to find Charlie in my bed sleeping. I crawled in next to him and went to sleep.


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