Chapter 25

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I watched as death rubbed his forehead where is lil red resting at? he asked looking at me. I dont know to be hon.....  before I knew it Fury cut me off. The main trail.... the one you always yell at me to slow down on Fury answered looking down holding a cloth with warm water on her head and Strife trying to examine her injury. At sun rise Emma and I will head out to receive lil red's body death said as he got up and stood by the fire. Chopper who's lil red and what happened to her? Charlie asked looking up at me with his big blue eyes. A horse i said smiling now bed we all had a long day, i turned towards war, strife, fury, and death if you guys wish you can spend the night here. Strife and war both looked at each other thank you Emma but strife and I both have assignments from the charred council , I nodded as I watched strife and war leave listening to their horses's hooves echo down the drive way. ill take the couch death said as he walked over to a closet and pulled out a pillow and blanket. Fury do want Charlie's room i asked looking at her worried. Ya but where will he sleep Emma? she asked with an eyebrow raised. In my room, we have shared rooms in the past , it won't bother us any  i said as I opened Charlie's bedroom door for Fury and opened mine, Charlie got in his pajamas in his room and I got in mine in my room and gave fury a night gown to wear.



I surprisingly woke up by myself at the sun rise, I slowly and gently rolled over to see Charlie peacefully sleeping. Slowly I got out of bed and got dressed, and gently shut the door to see Fury and Death wide awake. Ready? death asked loudly  before I could shhhh him. I nodded as I made my way towards the door and put my boots on okay lets go, Fury are you going to be okay with Charlie? i asked before shutting the door after Death. Fury nodded as she sat at the kitchen table. I meant Death in the barn he had Sasha and Despair on cross ties in the hall. Harness Sasha will you she won't let me near her with a harness Death asked as he finished harnessing Despair and led him outside. I grabbed the harness Death had set out for Sasha and carefully placed the collar on then the bridle and finishing off the rest and led Sasha outside, where death already had Despair hooked up to a wagon. I slowly lined Sasha up and backed her up and death hooked her up to the wagon. Death and I sequested together as we both got in the wagon, death grabbed the reins and clicked for them to go on. It was hours before I recognized a tree I smiled we are close I told Death. He nodded before turning towards me and asking you do know we are mates, right? I paused and slowly turned towards Death I tried to speak but couldn't. Even though I couldn't see his face I could tell he was smiling evilly , but he kept his gaze forward focusing on the horses and trail. Then he turned towards me and slightly started to laugh, then he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, and I liked his arm around me and being close. Then it hit me we really are MATES!



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