Chapter 21 Part 1

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The muffled yawns and groans from the people reached my ears as the sun rose higher in the sky. Still standing in my position on the hill. I waited for them all to wake. I did not fancy going over to them. Sure I didn't have a problem with them. I was once one of the, but all the mayhem that they are making as they run around getting things ready, was really quite irritating.

So I waited as always for the humans to finish and calm down. However there was one person, a man who was not running around. He just stood there watching the others go about there work. Completely calm and gentle. Walking around offering a hand to any one that needed it.

How kind. I thought. A gentlemen it seems. Hmm don't see many of them these days.

I turned back to the rising sun and the low cut hill. Observing for anything out of place. Though there was nothing now doesn't mean it won't be there soon.

I had only been a few minuets but I had the feeling that I was being watched. The tingling in the back of my head was a key indication of that fact. I turned around once again to look for the source of the feeling. And there he was standing there, as always, just watching but this time it was me.


So handsome he was. and with the morning light washing over him it made him look all that more tempting.

I wish

I wish

That I could be human again, for the want I feel for that man will not go away. This strange pull towards him is only making these feeling stronger. I just wish I knew what it was.

It was at that point when I felt something inside me crack,

No I really mean crack.

First it stared off small, like the tiny cracks that you get when you stretch after staying still for a long time, then gradually they got bigger.

These were brakes though it was my bones breaking, every single one.

Ranging all over my body. I feel to my knees as my legs cracked and again again to my stomach when my front legs could no longer hold me up. Rolling on to my side i lay there in pain as the cracking continued.

Over and over again the breaking went on. My bones seemed to be moving and gravitating around the body. To where and why I did not know. When finally in relief the world went black as I could no longer handle the pain.

Here I lay deep in the woods with no idea what was going on.

Just before my unconsciousness however I heard the sound of twigs breaking in the distance and as the world went quiet, the sound of a voice calling out ......


It must have been many hours later that I woke up. The amount of light indicated that it was late in the after noon. I opened my eyes to see where I was. I had to blink a few times as it was bright for my eyes. Having been closed so long they were sensitive to the world around me. Looking up I could see the canopy of a tent. The brown material shielded me from the sun but it was still warm under the light. Lifting my head up I scanned my squinting eyes around the tent area. There was a table some wooden chairs around it. On the table there was a plant with what looked like fruit on it and a glass with a clear liquid with what I assumed was water. Other than what I was laying on which seemed to be a pile of blankets piled on top of each other on the floor of grass, there seemed to be nothing else in the room. It was rather empty . Where am I ?

I rested my head back on the floor. When sow thing alarming came in to my mind. I was laying on my back. I shouldn't be able to lay on my back. And the way I raise my head I shouldn't be able to do that. What is going on. I looked down at myself and saw something that terrified me. Legs I had legs and not hairy fur covered bourse legs. Humans legs. I carried in looking I was human. But how ??? My human body was covered in a white fabric. Covering all my private areas. Thank god. But wait who clothed me.

Some one cleared their throat. "Ahh !" The noise pierced the air around me. Before I realised that that noise came from me. I jumped at the noise of the unknown person, my heart beating fast in my chest. I could feel it.

I quickly turned my body towards the noise and saw something I did not expect to see. A man was sitting in a chair in a darker corner of the tent. I couldn't see his face properly but that did not last long. As I kept my wide eyes on him he began to rise from his seat and began to walk forward. I'm to the light.

I gasped as i saw his face. My eyes growing impossibly wider at the sight if him. He was beautiful. He looked so strong, with muscles straining through his shirt. His dark hair. His eyes. Everything. It's was........

You'll have to wait till next time guys for the rest of the chapter. Sorry it's been so long since I have posted but I have been extremely busy and just haven't had time. But due to all the lovely comments I thought I'd give you a quick one. Thank you for all the reads and the votes and the comments. They are all appreciated thank you.

Till next time my lovelys


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