You put a damn collar on me ( chapter 7)

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I stood back in the shadow of my stall. With my pure black coat, no on could see me standing there. It just looked like an empty stall. Right now I was hopeing that was exactly what they were going to think. I didn't want to be let out. I didn't want to be tamed or ridden. No one diserves to ride me. I know this must sound really full of my self, but I am a wild animal, with more common sense than most. I will not let a mere human, who thinks he is at the top if the world ride me. My lifes mission is to protect those who need it and those I love. None of these people here even fit any where near those catogories.

I could here the sound of people waking and moving around the stables and barn. Opening doors and the creak of wooded floor boards. My senses where wide open and sensitive to the tinyest little sound. I would hear any thing come with in ten feet of my stall, even further away than that. I will not be snuck up on. Breathing deeply and calmly. I was careful not to make to much noise and stand perfectly still. I did this to make sure that my hooves didnt clatter on the ground, alerting the people here to my presence.

A slight sound. The whisper of light footsteps on the hay reached my ears. This sound was closer than the others. I brought my head up slightly, listening to the sound carefully to hear any change in it. There was none. The steps kept up a slow, confident pace as the came closer and closer to the stable door. Eventually they stopped. I didn't breath. I kept my eyes on the door, as the figure came in to view.

It was a man. This surprised me, to see a man of such huge size, have such quiet footsteps. I stared at him. I saw his eyes widen, as he saw the empry stall in front of him. Then he composed him self and lookd toward the shadow I was hiding in. Oh crap.

He smiled to himself and open the stable door, walked in and the shut the door behind him. I still held completly and uterly still, not moving a muscle in anticipation, I would not let him touch me.

He stepped forward then stopped, almost as if seeing if I would move and this continued, until he was standing right in front of the shadowed area where I was.

All was still.

Neither of us moved.

Them suddenly he burst in to action. He kept forward and reach for my nose. I shied and reared out the way. Advoiding his hand, to the best of my ability. I paced around the side of the stall. Getting distracted as he followed me. This continued for well over ten minutes, before I made a mistake. I let my self get backed up in the corner, so that he could therefore reach out and grab my nose.

After he had a firm hold on it, he began to push it down and back. This position was painful and I didn't like it. I started to wiggle my head, to get out of his hold. It just made him hold on together but I didn't stop.

I heard him call out to someone. Then the sound of rushing footsteps reach my ears as well. When they reached the door a hand passed over what looked like a head collar to the man as I looked at the person holding the head collar I realise that it was the boy. the one that hand been the leader of them mean who has brought me here. he looked at me with sad eyes, which to be honest I didn't under stand. shouldn't he be happy he had caught me?

The large man grabbed the collar and force it over my head and then attached it together. So that it wouldn't come off. he the. Took and few steps back still not letting go of my nose and had then boy open the door before quickly letting go rushing out the door and slamming it behind him. I didn't care all I wanted was to get this think off my head. but after a few hours of trying I was tired and gave up before once again going back in. To the shadow.

My haven

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