Introducing General (Chapter 9)

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I opened my eyes and looked around from my position on the floor. It had been a few days since the incident, where I had amazing the guys out front with my disappearing act, and I still haven't been allowed out side again. They had put a ban on my being in the out side arena, because they know I can jump the fence.

Therefore they where building another one. One with really tall fences, that even for me, would be impossible to jump over. I am a pretty amazing jumper if I do say so myself.

I was longing to go out side. To breath in some fresh are rather than the air in this barn. That always seen to be slightly stuffy and smell constantly of the horses in it. However what made it worse is that they had put me in the stall furthest away from the barn door. So I got no clean fresh air at all. I only got the air that had already gone stale.

I had no visitors. Not even the big man that I had seen on my first day here. I had however heard people talking. There was something about the alpha coming home after a long trip away from his pack. Apparently he had been gone for years. It had also been the same amount of time since any one had seen him at all.

I'm guessing he was coming home today, because judging by the sounds of many running feet round the barn. They were trying to clean up and get things ready for his arrival. Wow. This man must be really stricken if he expects a barn that almost naturally has to be dirty to be spotlessly clean.

Becoming more curious I got to my feet and paced to the stall door. Lifting my head over the wood. I looked out and turned my head down the long barn, so that I can see all the way down the room. That was the only good thing about this stall. I could see every thing that happens in the barn.

I saw the people rushing about. Hopping from stall to stall. One to another. Again and again. To be honest, it kind of made me dizzy. I shook my head, trying to get rid of some of the dizzyness. It seemed to work. Which was good. I can see now with out nearly falling over in the process. Ha.

Then suddenly every one just stopped moving. Standing with their backs straight. Stable hand after stable hand, was standing in a straight line in front of the stall the were working at. Each and every one of them looking straight forward. Not looking at anything or any one else.

That was when a new man. A man with large confident, striding paces. That covered so much distance in one step, that he did not need to walk quickly, to walk as far. He walked with his hands held behind his back. Eyes the stable hands he passed alone the way. Looking for one that was out of place. None were.

This obviously satisfied him, because a smirk came on to his face. Though it was small. I could easily see it. That smirk made him look cruel. Not a bad cruel like you wanted to run away from him, but the type that made you a little bit on edge, when it was directed at you. I hope it need will be. Though I couldn't wen sure.

He stopped at the end of the line of servants and stable hands, and turned back around the way he came, to face them. He was silent for a second.

"You have all done well." His voice was beautiful. It was deep and rough, yer it had a softness to it, that couldn't be seen in his looks. "You did as I asked if you. Well done." All the people in the barn visibly relaxed when he said this.

Wow. Powerful man there. Not that I didn't already know that, I can feel his strength and power from here. It is like a force that emits from his body in a waves, time and time again.

I was brought back to my thoughts by his voice ones again ripping through the air. "That new horse that came in. I want to see it." I raise my eyebrows. Though you can't really see that, with me being a horse and all. In my mind I did though, it still counts, to me. Anyway. He called me an it. Not a she or girl or even a mare or horse. It was just it. Nothing more, nothing less. Rude much.

I heard on of the stable hands ask him to follow them and then heard them walking this way. towards me. The powerful mans steps heavy and strong, while the stable hands steps were quiet almost non existent on the wooden floor.

When they got to the stable door they stopped. He had been looking in the other stalls on the way here. Inspecting them, carefully, with his keen eye. So he had not yet seen me.

Only now did he look up and as he saw me he froze a little. His mouth slightly open in shock and his eyes a little wider than normal.

He recovered himself quickly though. Regaining his sharp composure. Though he seem happy and impressed with what ever he saw when he looked at me. Even though I have no idea what it was that made him go like that. Not that I cared.

He smiled and turned to the person next to him. While I just stood there and stared a him. " I want to see he in the arena." Well at least in a her now. Not an it.

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