Showing off (Chapter 10)

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I was lead out in to the arena. I had decided to act perfectly well for a while. I knew they were all on high alert because of my disappearing act earlier and were all keeping a very good watch on me. Not that it would help them at all.

I was pulled to a stop just before I was let through the gate. I turned my head to look begin me to see why I had been stopped. I realise that it was beside the man wanted to have a look at me. He reached me, as he had been walking towards me, and began to lightly feel across my sides and legs, on to my neck and finally he was standing in front of me , looking in to my eyes. I looked straight back at him.

He began to gently stricken my nose. I heard him breath out then a small smile came across his face. "Your a beautiful girl huh." He said and I reply I Nickered in to his hand before raising my head to look at the arena. I wanted to be let go. I wanted to run so badly. I needed to streaky my legs for a bit. I hated being in the stall. It was so small, and I was always by my self in there. No one to talk to. believe it or not, I actually missed sugar and amber.

He didn't seem to notice what I was trying to tell him. He just raised his hand again and continued to strove my nose. I decided to give him a bigger hint By using my head I pushed my hand against his chest causing him to stumble back. He didn't fall over to my disappointment. I didn't look at him instead I looked at the area. I didn't stop looking at it.

He stared at me for while. A frown in his face and then suddenly it turned in to a massive grin. His laugh echoed around the landscape. I think even though I wasn't really looked, he had tears in his eyes. I snorted. Very unladylike of me.

When he had finally recovered. He stood right in front of me. He still had a smile on his face. " Ok alright, I get it you want to go in." He turned to the stable hands. " Well what are you waiting for. Let her in so that I can have a look at her."

That's exactly what they did. With in seconds I was being lead in the the area. I began tossing my head and prancing around in excitement. I must admit I can tell I'm not making it very easy on the people holding me and trying to get the head collar off me, but I was happy. I didn't care.

Finally they let me am I speed of to the far corner before turning left and eunuch all the way around the edge if the late arena. They had obviously learnt from the last occasion because they had raise the posts not he one higher. Though I knew I could still jump over them. I had jumped higher than that before. It would be easy.

I could feel his stares on me. I could feel them hearing my body, in a strange was, This had never happened to me before and it felt weird. I was completely aware of every move that he made. I loved the feel of his hands when he strokes me. I love it.

I skidded to a stop in the centre if the arena facing the stunning man before me. I didn't know his name yet is I was going to call him general. I mean common he would make a really good one to. I can see it. It would suit him.

I stood there for about five minutes before once again giving in to the need to run. I flew once again around the arena. Giving little leaps, hopes and jumps here and there. Just for the hell of it. I was enjoying my self. Being cramped up in the stall for days on end, didn't really give you much exercise now did it.

I decided off the top if my head, to do something that I hadn't done in a while. Though it meant that I would get dirty, right now I was free and I didn't care. Not one little bit. I bent down so that I was on my knees and then sunk to one side. I then kicked my legs an rolled about. Getting completely dusty in the process but I was still a lot of fun.

After I had my fill of rolling on the floor like and idiot, I got to my feet and once again stood up. I face the man again edits looking at the tones of people watching me.

I had been so preoccupied with the general, that I hadn't notice the rest of the audience, that had seemed to of gathered over time.

I turned back again to the general, and I was graced to see a large grin make itself present ore his face. I wanted to know why he was smiling at me so u turned my hae to look at my back and I was the mud covering me, from where I had been rolling on the floor moments before.

I once again looked back at him only to see he wasn't there. Looking around for him, I saw that he now had a brush in his had and was heading towards the gate, in to the arena.

My eyes had never gone so wide. Acting I. Instinct i went in to a coned of the arena. The one far away from him. Though I just stood there, I didn't try to hide like I had with the man that had put the head collar on me. I don't like him, not one bit.

I just watched as he came closer. Not trying to get away or avoids him. No, I just waited.

E then stopped in the middle of the arena and turned away from me. His back was not to me. I waited for a little while to see what he would do. Before I finally let the need for him to touch me, get the better of me.

I walked slowly towards his back. Ignoring the sounds of gasps and whispers coming from around the arena. I don't care about them. Just him.

I finally reached him a stood just behind his back, once again waiting for him to turn around when he didn't I treys to go around him. He just turned with me. Not letting me see his face.

I kept trying again and again, still he turned away from he. I finally gave up and just shoved my head in to his back, pushing him over, on to the floor before getting on to the ground my self.


Laying there waiting for him to come and join me and to my delight, this time he did.

He brought the brush up to my face, letting e see it first before me began to brush my body, getting all the mud and dust off me, I lived the feeling so I just let him continue, with not a care in the world.


Hey guys sorry for the long wait for the update, but here it is

Comment and let me know why you think and please don't for her to know......

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