Dont have to be so harsh cowboy ( chapter 3)

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Last time on heart of a horse


After catching up with my herd, I went around to check that every one was alright and there were no injurys. Every one was alright apart from one. A young filly had twisted her ankle during the long run to get away. That meant that if we did get attacked, like we had just before, she would be a easy target for them.
I will not let that happen. None of my herd were going to get caught. If that mean that I have to go in their place, then so be it. I would rather it was me than any one else, at least I under stood the humans. I used to be one after all. However, now it seems like I have lost the ability to shift back to human form. It has been so long since I had changed back, I couldn't seem to do it any more. Not that I mind. The pain I still feel is easier to deal with like this.

After going around everyone again, just to double check, I made my way up to a high point near by, so that I could look over my herd. Every thing stayed quiet and I could tell I could tell that there would be no more danger tonight, so I to went to my herd and went to sleep with them all together at one. With the young ones in the middle and the adults around them for their protection.


Present time


I was standing in the field grazing with the rest of my herd when I heard them . The sounds of hooves and chains rattling on the wind. The rest of my herd must have also heard them, because they all raise there heads and stamp there feet in to the ground, showing there fear and discomfort. I spun around and galloped to the top of the hill, telling the herd to stay where they were.

Looking over the hills I could see clouds of dust rising up front the dry dirt floor. It had been really hot lately and hardly any rain. Luckily my herd had not suffered. During a storm half way through the summer past we found an under ground stream, that supplied fresh water. We ended up staying down there for a while, only coming up to eat. Every summer we go back there.

However that was not what I was worried about right now. Those clouds didn't form on their own.

After watching for a little while longer I could see the source of the clouds. I group of riders there must have been at least 15 of them, were riding this why. I turned and ran trying to get away without being seen, but I hadn't moved fast enouth. I heard the riding begin to shout behind me.

" There she is."

" Come on lads, lets get her."

They were here for me. There was only one way out of this valley and that was the way the riders where coming.

Just then I realised that I didn't really have a choice. I would not let my herd get caught by the humans, they where completely wild, they had never come in contact with one. I was one of them, even though I lost the ability to turn in to one long ago, I still had the mind of one I was just in a different form.

The only option was to let the take me. I made my was back to my herd standing in front of them. They all raised their head and stood with me, our feet were firmly placed against the earth. We wanted to send the humans that we were and are strong, that we will not let them over power us.

I nickered to my herd telling them that. I had to go but that I will return. They all lowered there heads in sadness and said there goodbyes.

We only just had enough time to do this,for the humans entered the valley at full speed . They stopped however, when they saw that we were just standing there, watching them.

The men got off there horses and left them standing there. I had to give their horse credit, they were loyal. It was a good and bad thing that they were so.

The men walked to stand in front of their horses and just stood there watching us. Believe me it's really weird. One man pushes though the crowd of men and I realises that it is the boy from yesterday. He says something to the men, that I can't hear so I walk forward a tad so I can.

As I did this they all turned back to me. Their heads moving so quickly I am surprised that they didn't get whip lash. Yep it was that fast.

" Is that they filly Joey." One of the older guys asked him 'joey' I'm guessing. He just nodded and stared at me.

Really what is with all this staring it is really strange. It showed through a bit and I began to paw one foot in to the floor, trying to tell them to get on with it, or go away. When they didn't get this I reared up an then again, as soon as my feet touched the ground. Trying to get a response out of them. It didn't work.


Huffing I realised I would have to be really obvious, well more than I already was,so than I already was, seriously are these guys blind. Turning to my herd. I touched noses with each of them, one by one and the colt and foals rubs up against me in good bye. I was happy that they seemed to know what was going on.

When I was done I once again turned and began to slowly walk towards the men. The closer that I got to them ,the more awed and shocked that they looked. It was quite funny really. Getting to them, I came to a stop right in front of Joey, then slightly tilted my head to the side.

He suddenly broke in to action so fast that even. I was scared. he grabed a rope from his partners hand and looped it around my neck, pulling it really tight.

God if that thing was any tighter and it would strangle me to death.

I stood there just staring at him with a look that even he could read. It was a Look that said.

'No need to be so harsh cowboy.'

The men chuckles at Joey dumbfounded expression as he watched me. I think I must had alight to well it was more of a snort than a laugh but you know what I mean.

"Damn Joey that is one smart horse."

I know right I'm amazing. Ha


No I was just joking.

Seriously I was...


Haha ok let's go guys I gave a small tug on the rope bringing him out do his sag dream. he just shook his head and looked away from me.

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