Come when called (chapter 12)

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The sun slowly began to rise over the hill. Creating a light, red and orange wash over the landscape. To me I looked like a scene out of a book. A painting almost. I had never seen any thing more beautiful.

This almost made me gals that I had decided to stay. I would get to see this every morning. I would get to stand here and watch as the colours lite up the sark and starry night sky. Like when you turn a light on in the dark. Only slower and that much more amazing and pleasurable to watch.

No body at the ranch had yet woken, but with the looks of the ridding sun I am sure that it will not be long before they do. The people here like to get up early. I had notice within my small time being here.

They like to get up an get all if their johns and things done before they sun reaches the middle I the sky. Where it is at its hottest. The days here get so hot that it is almost impossible to work our here where there is no shade or any thing.

Even I as a horse who is used to running in such conditions. Needs to stay in the shades areas when out running. It is to much to handle to run in the full blast of the sun light. Many have died from doing so. I had to handle man of these last year. When the summer came along. Many young ones decided to venture out and did not give them selves enough time and didn't live the through the heat.

I was brought back to the real world from my thoughts by a door opening somewhere on the ranch. I lifted my head up to watch the from the hill I was standing on.

As the night had gone on I had slowt made my way up the hill to stand at the top. I wanted to be able to see over the mountains. But getting up here I could see I wasn't high enough to do so.

I could how ever see a lot if the world around me. The landscape. I noticed that up here there was plenary of grass. Yet down there where the ranch and the arena was there was none.

From up here though I could still see every thug that happens on the ranch. Every little fined tails tat goes on down there. I loved it. I wasn't close to it so to me I didn't seem to be apart of what was happening down there.

Yet I wasn't to far away because then I couldn't see what was happening. I was also sure that I would miss what was happening down there and miss being there as well. I was in the perfect middle point. This was where I was where I to be.

Watching as more and more people began to rise from their sleep I finally saw someone walk towards the arena. I was sure that if I was human right now I would have a smirk in my face. Wait until they see I'm not there. Will they look for me themselves or will the run and go and get the general. I wished they would though, he could really use some more proper sleep.

But no my wishes don't get answered. The stable hand cried out and called to everyone awake and wakening those that were not. This include the general. He walked out I the house that I had followed him in to early.

He was clearly still tried and had only just woken up so he seemed not to be quite with it yet. His cloths were messy and his hair was unmade. It was actually quite cute.

However as soon as he saw what the panic and shouting was about he was running. Now fully awake. Towards the arena. Getting there he just stared at it almost in what seemed to be disbelief.

I kind of hurt to this that he would think that I would really leave. But I mean I guess he would to him I just a plain old common horse. That if given the choice would walk away over night. So I guess I can see why he would think so.

He stood there for a little while longer. Just standing there. Doing nothing else for the time being. He finally moved however when one if the stable hand by him showed his the print on the floor that had been left my my hooves. The stable hand showed him the direction that they were going in.

The general followed the prints to the bottom of the hill. The crowd of people following behind him. Wanting to see what he found and if he would indeed find me.

Getting tithe bottom of the hilly hough he looked up. Then his mouth to my amusement fell open. He looked at me in surprise and amazement so did man of others there.

He also looked slightly confused. As to why I was still here. But underneath all that he was smiling and happy . Glad that I was still here like he hopes when he had left the gate open last night.

I waited for him to do something. Like walk up the hill. Get a rope to come and catch me. Or something alone those line, but he didn't.

Instead he just whistled. A high pitched call that ha my ears turning in his direction. And only that direction. Since that was all he did I waited. But once again he did if and I realised that he was trying to call me down.

He was giving me that chance to come down by my self. I lied that so I did as he asked. Walking down the hill I pick up my pace to a canter as I continued down the hill. Reaching the bottom I skidded to a halt. Right in front of him.

I kept my eyes on those around me though. Incase they tried to catch me but no one moved. Except the general. He reached up a hand to stroke from my forehead down to my tip of my nose.

I was a kind comforting gesture one that was almost saying well done. I pushed my head in to his hand a little. He then turned and walked away.

Clicking his tongue it was clear that the wanted me to follow. So I did. With out a head collar or a leading rope he lead me toward the barn and though the masses of people who had their mouths on the floor. Wondering how a wild horse is acting so tame.

When one of them tried to touch me however I shied away and nipped at their fingers giving them a warning but doing no real damage at the same time. No one else touched me after that which I was grateful for.

Maybe i had just earned my self just a little but if freedom from the pens and if not well I would keep getting out until they let me. If I was let out and I went out of sight. I would always come she he called.

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