Making friends (chapter 6)

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I ache every were. What the hell and why do I hurt. What happened?

Then it all came back to me. ohhhhh

Right well, it's their fault for not feeding me or letting me drink and keeping me in the full sun. You know what, all of this is their fault.

I started to raise my head and as I did so, I could be all the bones alone my neck and shoulder crack. I must have been laying like this for a long time , with lots of strength, I pulled my feet underneath me, so that I am laying on my tummy and heaved a shy. This is going to hurt when I stand up.

Looking around a bit, I realised that I am in a stall, in what looked like to be a very big barn. I could hear the noises of other horses and people moving around the barn. It was strangely peaceful to hear them. It made me feel like I wasn't completely alone.

I Nickered trying to catch someone attention. Obviously someone heard me. Two heads, a white and ginger one, popped over the edge of the stall. Their eyes zeroed in on me.

" Hi" they both said, at exactly the same time " I'm Amber and I'm sugar, nice to meet you" Again they said that at exactly the same time, but each said it a different way around each, so it was kind of a jumbled mess. But as you could guess, the ginger one is amber, and the white one is sugar.

"Hi.." I said dragging out the last letter. I'm not gonna lie their twin talking is freaking me out.. "I'm Arabella um nice to meet you haha .... Huh. " I looked around again " Where are we." I looked back at them waiting for them to answer.

They both smiled at me. "Nice to meet you to. Well I don't know the exact place, but were in the middle of the canyon." amber said.

" Yer there's nothing but sand and rocks out here, a few plants here and there but nothing much else." Said sugar.

I felt my eyes widen. I had seen this land from far away, but to see I had to climb up the tallest hill, in my valley and stand on the high rock on top of it, to see it. I was a really long way from home. I know I have said it before, but I really mean it now.

" What's this place like, why are we here" Yer you guess right, I came with them willingly with out knowing what was going to happen, when I got to wherever they were going to take me. Which I now know is here. Well it was either me or the whole heard and me with them and well you know which one I chose.

" Well they put these thing on our backs and these metal poles in our mouths, that are attached to pieces of ... um.. rope? I'm not sure what they call them exactly. They aren't really fun, they hurt for the first few minutes."

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