Battle (Chapter 17)

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The sun was just starting to rise on the hills. The colours of red, pink, yellow, dark blue, light blue and purple all mixed together. To make something of such beauty that it looked like it had been painted there to be perfect. Which it was.

It was a truly lovely site to wake up to. feeling well rested after the long run home I know looked over my herd as they grazed slept or played on the grass below me. Standing on the top of this hill just under the tree I can see them all clear and watch over them like I would in any other place.

I know that a lot of people think that once a horse is tamed it can never be truly wild again and that it is just an animal that obeys your every command. they are wrong however taming a horse isn't about making it obey you. It is about getting the horse to trust you so much it trusts you not to hurt them or leave them.

I will only let someone rode me who lets me come up to them and ask them to ride me, not the other way around. Though most of the people who have tried to ride me in the past have not asked, they have just jumped on and kicked me to get me started. Like they own the world. Which they don't, by the way.

I spun my head around when I hear the opening of the door on the other side of the yard. Though it was a far way away, I could still see them clearly. Damien. Every morning he would wake up at the sunrise and come to the top of the hill. He would stand here with me for hours. Until is duties called him away. Like he has done for so long now. I love to watch the humans and remember how easy life seemed to be back them when I had hands and feet. That could do all daughter of amazing things.

All these thing I really miss doing. I wish I could change back even for a little bit. I know however if I did have the choice. stay a horse and just a horse. Or stay human and only a human. I would chose horse. I would chose because this is all I have ever really known and this herd of horses has become my family. I could never dream of leaving them. Never.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a gun shot. My head shot up, looking towards the sound. In the distance getting nearer and nearer with each second passing. A group of men riding horse that looked half dead in the feet. thundered towards the ranch. foam seemed to stream from the horses mouths and their feet on the floor seemed to send quakes through the ground. It really was a terrifying sight to see.

The sky seemed to turn read in anticipation. the people on the yard began to run around crazily. Trying to get themselves organised in such short notice. They were not expecting this at all.

My herd began to panic as well running up the hill towards me they all got in to position behind me, as we have many time wen a threat gets to close. Young in the middle. The fittest on the outside. Me in the front and center.

After what seemed like no time at all. The chagrin group of riders reached the ranch and all hell broke lose.

Riders falling from their horses.

Horses falling to their knees in defeat.

Screams of fear and pain echoed through the air.

Thuds of hooves in the floor echoed through the ranch.

I don't know what to do. Do I go and help. Or do I stay here with my herd where it is safe. If I don't go down there they might all get killed. If I do go down they my herd my get hurt or worse... Damien he's down there he needs help. I reared up calling to my herd it a battle cry. Plunging down the hill and towards mayhem.

I got close and closer. Then when I was almost there I out my head down and prepared for the impact. in the corner of my eye I could see my herd doing the same. Their loyalty and trust in me never failed to amaze me.

I had no more time to think as I hit the battle head on...

TO BE CONTINUED ......!!!!!

@ What did you think guys. the action is starting !!!!!

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