Chapter 23

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Eye closed. I took in the air around me. The fresh and clean air of the forest. The pine scent and the calming waves of air that washed over me. The sounds. Quiet roaring of the wind through the trees and slight sounds of animals that dared to break the silence.

The grass through my fingers and the soil beneath it. How peaceful this moment was in a world full of noise. A slightly louder noise caught my attention. Just to the right of me. Looking over I saw my forever loyal friend. For in the few weeks we had been at this campsite. Since that moment with the whip. My horse companion has hardly left my sight. Following me here and there. Sleeping in line of sight from my tent. So he can see me leave it in the morning.

I enjoy the company, the loyalty of a horse is one that is earned but one that can be completely trusted. So simple in form no ill wishes or bad deeds will come from them. They simply follow and love those around them. Though I might have an advantage. You know being a horse myself and all.

I reach my hand forward and he walked towards it placing his muzzle in my hand and bowling out. As if saying hello. "Hello my friend". He groaned and bent to lay down beside me.

It had be an uneventful and calm few weeks since the drama. I was rather enjoying it. Though what I can't seem to understand is the reason we have stayed here so long. There were no talks of proceeding to new land.

I looked towards the camp site. Sat at the top of the hill it was easy to see across the whole area. People going about their daily business. Cooking, sowing, cleaning, washing, talking. They were a busy lot. They never seemed to sit still. Constantly on the move like they can't sit down. They should take a break. Nature is a beautiful thing if you just look.

"I suppose we should head back my friend. Damien will be wondering where we are. You know he doesn't lie it when we wonder." Yes. Damien. He seems to have taken it upon himself to be rather possessive. He wanted to know where I am. When I'm going. When I'll be back and that I need to come and find him when I am back. He tends to try and keep me away from the others in the group. Why I don't know maybe it was the incident a few weeks ago. But that was long past. I had had no trouble of the sort since that day. No one was mean or spoke badly or even dared to harm me. They all knew Damien was my friend.

I know what your all thinking. Has something happened between Damien and I. The answer is no. Nothing has happened. A simple friendship had happened which is lovely. However it does seem as though he wants to stay as the only friend that I have.

I long to delve in to the camp site and talk to the people there. To have a long conversation or just listen to them talk. To hear their story's. I don't want to upset him tho. I know he wouldn't like it.

He can't keep me there forever tho. At some point I will talk to others. I won't continue to be an outsider for the rest of my time here.

Looking back across the forests and fields. I could see dust rising in the distance. "Ahh there they are Thor" ( the horse ). "A herd of wild horses, I thought I herd them on the wild." A good sign no danger is near. The absence of horses is always a bad sign but there they are huge numbers of them in the distance.

Hmm. I stood and stretched from being sat down for such a long time. "I'm gonna go and make a friends, the omens seem on my side today"

Waking down the hill with a huge smile on my face. Try and stop me Damien. I'm gonna be one of you. Mark my words.


Just a little bit of a filler guys. Sorry I haven't been updating. I have had a lot of uni work to do and volunteering at the rescue shelter.

I want to say thank you to every one that has read this and stayed with me. I am so thankful for all your lovely comments on the book. I'm glad you like it.

Hang in with my guys and this book will continue. 😘😘

Love you all

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