Seems like forever ( chapter 11)

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Laying down beside the general. I felt so peaceful and care free. I had never felt this way for a long time. I had wondered this earth by my self as the only one if my kind for so long that I thought that I would never find a place where I belong.

I mean my whole family are dead. Every one I had ever care about are now gone. But now here I am siting beside someone who, even though doesn't know what I really am and to him I am just a dumb animal.

But here he is sitting beside me brushing my coat again and again even though I am sure that it was clean many many brushes ago. Oh well I don't actually care. I am enjoying all the attention and care that I am getting off of him.

He finally stopped brushing me and just turned around. I lifted my head up off the ground to look at him. Trying to tell him with my eyes not to leave yet. He looked back in to my eyes. He then once again smiles at me. It was the type of smile that made my heart stoop and I had no idea why.

He stayed in his turned around position and just laid back. His head resting on my back. Breathing deeply and I could tell that he was on the edge if falling asleep.

In the places that his body touched my. I could feel tones and tones of little sparks. I loved the feeling of them. They made me happy and content. I laid my head back in the ground shutting my eyes as blocking out the world around me.

I only listen to the sound of his heart and breathing that seems to echo of the air around me. Making it seem like that was the only sound in the world right now. It was a beautiful sound. One that I always wanted to hear. No matter the time or place.

We stayed there for what seemed like a life time but for me could never be long enough. I never ever wanted to move firm this spot. This perfect place that seemed, right now to be the only thing in the world. I could never ask for anything more at this point in time. For the first time in a long time I felt loved.

As I awoke from my light sleep I could feel a pain in my side. I then knew that I had been laying down a lot longer than I should have. I didn't want to get up but I knew that if I didn't it would get a lot worse.

Carefully without waking the general up. I began to wiggle my way out from underneath him. Slowly down at the end when his head was on the edge of my back and I slowly let it slide down and on to the floor.

When his head was resting on the floor I stood up and walked around. Trying to get rid of the pain in my tummy. After a lot of walking around in circles for about half a hour. Where for most of it I found my self limping and slightly walking to the side. It wasn't very comfortable let me tell you that. I found that I had now gone but not only that but I was now actually quite dizzy at the moment. So coming to my senses I stopped and stood still.

There had been no people around for a while. No on we was here when I woke up and it was dark the so I guess they were all asleep. I should really wake him up. He might get ill out here and it's not safe. I thought looking over to the man sleep on the dirt floor.

Walking over to him I gently pushed on his arm. Then I Nickered to him wanting him to wake up but I didn't want to make to much noise so as not to scare him in any way. I can see that he is not one to scare easily but I still wanted to make sure. Just incase.

Very slowly he came back to the real world. Well kind of to be honest he was still half asleep so I decided to help him a bit and carefully began to push him towards the gate. He began to walk on his own finally and managed to unlock the gate. He then left the gate open obviously to tired to shut it and carried on walking but not with out giving me a pat on te head though.

For a few seconds I thought of running away and going back to my herd but I then thought about how he had left the gate open. He did it intentionally I think he want to see is I would stay and he trusted me enough to leave the gate open and let me try.

I wanted to make him happy though. I was however hungry so I walk after him to make sure he got to the house safely. He had gotten to the door of a house when I got to him. He had gotten out a key to unlock the door and when he did he walked in side.

I don't think he notice that I was there when he shut the door. Which was a good thing I wanted him to sleep. But that didn't mean that I wasn't going to follow him. I wanted to make sure that he got back to his home alright and didn't get hurt or any thing.

Now that I had seen that he was fine and safe in his house. I turned back around and went the way it has come. Passing by the out door arena I walked to where the grass is fresh and long. Then leaning my head down I began to eat my fill from the grass.

Haha this is going to be funny when people come it to check on me in the morning. I could have lot of fun with this. I would only ever listen to one person and you know that person is.

The general.

I really need to learn what his real name is don't i haha.

HEY GUYS WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT THAT. Ok now today I want you to comment on what your hunk the generals name should be because to be honest I have no idea in what it should be so give me turned idea and it would be really help full.

Hope you enjoyed this new chapter vote or comment for me guys thanks xxxxxxx

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