Chapter 18

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The impact was painful, I could feel all my bones practically being thrown to the back of my body before on e again springing back in to place. This seemed to happen all in one moment, in one second. There was no time to waste though. I had to keep moving, if I stayed still for to long that might be the end of me.

Charging and pushing through the crowd in front of me I kept my head down. Pushing over countless amounts of men and horses. Treading and stamping on ones that tried to hi me back. I hated having to do it. Hurt people it is always something that I refused to do, but in this case I had no choice. I had to fight.

By the time I was in a position to look up, I had made my way right in to the Centre of the battle. Falling people left and right so many painful crystal so many lives are being lost.....

Then one cry sounded above all others.






It was him I can hear him. He sounds like he is hurt but where is he. In the process of looking around for him. I spotted something that made my blood boil. A man was standing above one of my herd members. Teasing her as he made to kill her. I wouldn't be having that at all. I charged towards him and knocked him over. Hearing his rush of breath that I knocked out of him as I stamped and stepped all over him.

Breaking a few bones here and there I'm sure. He rolled across the floor. Going head over heals as he rolled away from me. I was mad, angered. How dare he think that he can harm one of my family and not have to answer to me about it. Yes I am just an animal to the but we are sting and smarter than all o the put together.

He looked at me. His eyes wide in shock. His mouth hung open and his breathing was now hard. Then his face set and harden. Right in front of my eyes. He stood up. He seemed taller than he did before. Like my defiance of him had given him confidence.

I watched as his hands moved towards the inside of his jacket. His black eyes and his white pale skin, stood out against the flashing colours of red and green behind him. Though I didn't look at those only him.

His hands came back to reveal a knife and a gun. He held the knife up higher. Close to his face. Ready to use. he aimed the gun at me.

Suddenly all of me froze includeing my mind. I couldn't think. I didn't know what to do? What do you do when your a horse and someone is pointing a gun at you. I don't have any hands to get it off of him and i have not time to try and get around him.

So I did the only thing I could think of doing. I put my head down once again and chased towards him. As I got closer I could see him take the safety of the gun and aim it at me correctly. Them when he was going to pull the trigger and shoot me I turned to the side sharply and kicked with my feet.

I felt the pain of the bullet hit me in the side of my tummy. I could feel the blood begin to drip down my side but I payed it now attention. My strong back legs had come in to contact with the dangerous mans head. And with what I knew was the final blow his neck broke and he fell to the floor.

Though I felt cruel of me I don't have time to waste on him. I carried of pushing and knocking people out of my way through the crowd. I saw him. He was still fighting the same person but now he seemed tired. I ran towards him now desperate as I saw him fall to his knee running in front of him I felt the cut of a knife in my other side before grading him shirt by my teeth and pulled him up on to my back. I sent out a cry and saw all the other horses in my herd that were able to run and head a person of their own. Then follow me. I know what you think. It seems cowarly.

We weren't going to win this one we didn't have the upper hand and we wee loosing the battle. I'd rather live through this one and come after them again that loose and never win.

We ran for hours alone hours and I could feel my self getting weaker from blood loose. I pushed it away however. We were not far enough away yet. We had to keep going. I ha to get him and all the others to safety before I thought about myself.

Finally when every one was tired and we could go further on did we stop. I was panting hard and shaky on my feet. only when Damien got off did he realise this. Or maybe he did notice he just didn't realise how bad it was until I set him down. I still didn't want him to worry though so I began to walk away to rest but I stumbled and fell.

My knees hot the hard ground first, followed by the rest of my body. I could hear feet running as I came here. But I couldn't see anything. I could hear though. I could hear my herd screaming and calling out to me then there was Damien. I could hear him. Shouting for help. Telling me to hold on. Why would he care though I'm just a horse to him.

Aren't I?

Then every thing went black...... and I could hear no more.


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