(Chapter 19) Damiens POV

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Damien's POV

The battle was a mess. There were were so many people charging at each other. I couldn't consent rate on what I was doing. Every time I seemed to be able to concentrate on something, something would pull my attention away from the fight in front of me. Which really isn't a good thing to happen to you when you when you are in the middle of y
fighting for your life.

The lack of consent focus is probably what got me in to this really big mess. Though I don't really remember what happened. I remember fighting this man and then the new made that I brought charging towards him. With her head down and her ears back. She then rammed in to him ad that is the last thing I remember.

The next thing I know when I can to was that I was on the back of the horse. Even without opening my eyes though I could tell it was moving slowing and breathing heavily.

I slowly managed to open my eyes to the blinding light, though I couldn't see for a few seconds, so I had to close my eyes once again and then open them, readying my self for the brightness. Squinting I could see the world pass on a tilt as if I was climbing up a wall, but I wasn't clearly since I could see trees and normally trees didn't grow from the wall at least they didn't in this area.

I could feel the steady rocking movement that fitted the way that my vision swing from side to side. The slow movements still seemed to be graceful even though they seemed to lack I'm spirit and energy. Though it was still moving at a fast pace. I sat up slowly, hunching over and holding my head as I felt a huge pain in my head. God it feels like I was fighting with someone. Oh wait....

I could feel my head throbbing as I sat up all the way. So that I could properly see when we are going, as I looked around I was met with an amazing sight. There were what seems like hundreds of horses running around us, with us even. Many of these horse had men and women and children on their backs, most of them, mainly the men had wounds and injuries that needed to be seen to.

But looking even further around and past them, I could see a wide open space. That seemed to stretch on forever. In all directions apart from one. Forward. Ahead of us there were trees, and shade. Were there were trees there must be water. That was the way we were heading.

Then I remembered something. I was being carrier by a horse as well. I looked down and smiled for a second. It was my horse my beauty, and even though there was a battle, she did not run away. In fact she came back and got me, truth be told I don't even know if she left in the first place. I guess I will never know.

I began to stroke her neck and her side. I didn't say anything, I didn't need to really. It can all be said another time. I looked back up and as I did a saw the most amazing sight there is at a time like this. The forest was directly in front of is now. As we reached it we carried on walking for a while so that we are now a safe distance in to the trees but not to far in that we could not find our way back out again.

We finally came to a stop. Riders that could began to dismount from the horse that they were riding and start to help the others that couldn't get down by themselves off the horses. I myself began to slide down the mares back. But as I did so I felt something wet in my hands, I felt her begin to walk away as I looked down and there on my hand was blood and a lot of it. It wasn't my blood.

My head shot up to look at the horse and as soon as I did the world seemed to move in slow motion. I watched as she fell to the floor her knees hitting the ground hard. Sending a dust cloud up around her. She then continued to fall on to her side again a cloud of dust formed around her. All this time I was stuck in my own body wanting to be able to move and help her but at the same time I was frozen and nothing in my body seemed to move. The same seemed to happen to every one else for it was silent for a second before the crus started.

They were not human cry's though the horses began screaming and few began to run towards the mare. This seemed to allow me to have control over my body again. I called I started shouting at people to get someone down here to help me. to help her, I don't know why but for some reason I couldn't let this horse die.

People began to do what I told them and began looking for a doctor or someone that at least knew how to treat this horse. At this point I had just reached the horse and began checking her sides. Due to her behind black in colour I couldn't really see when the blood was coming from but at a closer look I could see that there was a shot wound on the side of her stomach and looking at the blood that was pooling underneath her she has another wound on her other side as well.

Finally someone arrived to help. As a group of people crowded around to help I got pushed to the side so much that I could not longer see her and what they were doing. I began pushing back "No let me see her". I said as I barged my way through but someone came up behind me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

At first I didn't listen to what they had to say but then I began to listen. "Sir pleae. They are going to help her but you need to give them space so they can do so. Please sit come and sit down"

I listened but as I gave in my body relax collapsing from now exhaustion. the person talking to me. Who I still don't know who it is. Caught me and began carrying me over to a a group of people who also seemed to be sleeping and later me down. my mind was numb along with my body. I couldn't do any thing. I just lay there. Thinking. Screaming in side my head. My mind was working with information before just like my own horse. I passed out.

Sorry for the long wait guys but enjoy x

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