Chapter 22

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After taking his arm we walked through the entrance to the tent. I had to retreat back inside for just a second, as my eyes hadn't adjusted to the dramatic change in lighting.
The sun was shining high in the sky, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. Though we live In a bright part of the world, there isn't many times where you can look up and not see a cloud. There always seems to be at least a few there. Not that it made that much of a difference though.

Once my eyes had ajusted to the light, I made my way to walk back through the tent entrance again, this time being able to appreciate the area around me.

It was buzzing with life. Not a single area didn't have people that were working or talking to/with others. They were all simply going around their daily life. And even through of the dangers that they have faced in the recent times, they still seemed to be able to put that all behind them and have a carefree time. It seemed blissful, and amazing to me that they could, I hadn't been able to be like that for a long time. Maybe one day.

Looking down I realised that I was still arm in arm with Damien. Thinking to myself that he probably found it annoying I slipped my arm from his and proceeded to wrap them about my stomach. It's a comfort thing. He looked down at me when I did that. It almost seemed as if there was a frown on his face, like he didn't like the previous action. However that would be silly because he has only just met me and can't be feeling like that.

There was so much life out here. People walking and running around, there were still people, mainly men tending to their wounds and bruises, however I did see a few women here and there, But apart from that this was a community. Children and wives going about days, enjoying life. The youngsters playing around and laughing. It seemed so piece full, but at the same time this wasn't a home. What I would expect to be houses and barns was tents, hundreds of them. In a whole arrange of sizes.

Looking through the tents I began to walk past them, not doing much just looking and ignoring all the states that I was getting From the people around. It could only be expected. I was a new face in this camp. Reaching a opening in the tents I came to a stop, my eyes widened as I looked at the sight before me.

Horses, so many of them being ridden, and taken around this arena or what ever you want to call this. Whips in the riders hands, spurs on their feet. Horses foaming at the mouth from the heat, and the work. This sight terrified me. What if that was me, I thought, if I was still in horse form would they do that to me, force me to work so hard I couldn't feel my legs or breath.

Quickly turning around I turned to look at Damien as he stood behind me. He looked in to my eyes and saw the horror there, and he understood, how I don't know but he did.

He stepped forward trying to lead me away from the horse arena, and for a while I let him, enjoying the feeling of comfort and safety.

"You didn't stop it" I said "the men on the horses, you didn't stop them. They are hurting those horses" my voice now raising in anger. This may seem like I'm over reacting, but I'm part horse I know how much this hurt and how much I would hate it. I can relate to them and see the pain in their eyes and understand what they are saying.

"Why haven't you stopped them yet!" Looking in to his eyes I pleaded with him. And he looked back in to them again. Reading the emotions that lay there. He raised his hand to my face, "This has to be done, otherwise they will not be trained to ride in battle, we need their staminas high and their skills perfect. Any problem in battle could cause someone to loose their life."

At his words I felt enraged. A horse is a loyal animal if it trusts you it would protect you with everything that it had. I glared at him then, and whipped around to face the arena of horses again. Storming towards it I had one plan set in to motion and I had seen one horse it particular that caught my eye. A beautiful dapple grey stallion was rearing and bucking. His mouth foaming from effort and a wild look in his eye that showed his unwillingness to be broken. This stallion was a wild one. Caught and captured.

Kind of like me...

I made it to him. The men holding on to the other end of the lead ropes, each holiday a whip in his had ready to use it at any moment. One man in particular had a mean glint in his eye. Raising the whip high in the air ready to bring it down upon the hide of this beautiful creature.

I grabbed his hand, stopping the whip from meeting its mark. Shouting at him to stop. I knew Damien has followed behind me, but as long as he didn't try to stop me I didn't care. The man holding the whip turned to me. "How dare you" he shouting back at me.

"Don't hurt him. He hasn't done any thing wrong, why are you hitting him." My voice almost sounded as if I was crying, and if I'm being honest I felt like it.

"He's a wild animal. He needs to be broken before he can be ridden, he won't let us do it the easy was therefore we finish it the hard way. With force" he went to raise the whip again. It I grabbed it and brought it down on the my knee. The cracking sound echoed through the area as most the turned to look
At the commotion. Though the cracking sound wasn't the sound of the ship it was the sound of it breaking in half.

Gasped surround me from those watching and I could hear in the back in my mind the mean man shouting at me. But I could hardly hear him. Instead I turned around the face the stallion. He stood still now. No reading or bucking but he was on edge. Ready to run at any point. I raised my hands. And my eyes. I let him look in to the to see that I meant no harm. And I stood there with my hands out and ignoring everyone around me. I just waited for him to make a move.

He did he began to walk towards me. He slowly stretched his neck out and placed his nose in one of my palms. As he did that I got grabbed from behind the man that owned the now broken whip. Grabbed me and as he did he also grabbed another whip from the man beside him. He brought it to the air and as he brought it down it wasn't aimed at the horse it was aimed at me.

In that moment two things happened. The horse charged forward aiming straight for the man aiming for me. And and Damien broke in to action. Surging forward towards the mans neck. Grabbing the man by his neck he went to throw him on the floor, the horse has kicked out at the same time, hitting the mans chest as he fell.

All was quiet in the area. Apart from our heavy breathing and the horses panting, then the groans of the man on the floor.

Damien's voice then sounded though the arena. "How dare you try to harm a women. How dare you even think of it. I should have you put in the cells as punishment, and then some. " I listened to his words thankful that he helped
Me when he did. I felt a nudge in the middle of my back and burned to see the stallion. He looked deep in to my eyes and continued to stare.

" your welcome my friend" I turned to leave the arena, when I heard the footfalls that indicated
He was following me. I smiled, now that is how you tame a horse, nicely and with trust and friendship. I looked at Damien as I walked past. "I will be going back to the tent " he just nodded as I went. People gaping at me when they saw the horse following me.

I was suddenly tired again and when I reached the tent I turned and said goodnight to the
stallion, I think I shall name him diablo. I laid in the bed and within seconds fell fast to sleep.

1503 words.
Hi guys sorry that it took so long to update. I was waiting for some inspiration I wasn't sure where to go with the story. I hope it was alright. Tell me what you think.
Comment and vote for me please guys. Love you all.

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