Magic act (Chapter 8)

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hey guys this is its slits of all the other story's I have writen. not all of them are that Long but I am hoping to be able to put more time in then after my exams are over. so please feel free to have a read of them and vote for them if you want to ;) xxxx

1) Is It Really A Myth Now?

2) Eternal - In a wood far away from any humans or buildings was a pack of wolfs theses where not normal wolfs either. Larger than normal wolfs and wiser with minds that think almost like humans but where hidden in an animal form. they are what people call pure wolfs a race that is rare strong and beautiful. This packs luna was pregnant and ready to give birth and right now as the time drew near her and her mate the alpha disappeared below the huge tree in to the den Hours later the new life had been brought in to this world a brother and a sister but was was shocking about these two was their colouring. the male pup was the darkest midnight black The female was the purists of whites her coat shone bright as the moon reflected on her fur. these two wolfs help sure beauty and strength even indie such young pup Though no one knew that yet.

3) Don't Under Estimate Me! - Being chained up for day ... Weeks ... Months ... Years ! Yes that's right years. Not seeing sun always in the dark. Waiting for the moment where I could escape get out from the humans, hunters thats what they were. Vampire hunters. YES I'm a vampire . I am an original and I was saved by none other than one direction...

4) Sweetheart Don't Test Me! - She is a she wolf. A powerful one. And she has powers that she can never imagine. She has already discovered some of her gifts but the one thing She lacks is the one thing she desperately needs to truly be her self. She has been alone all her life and has not come in much contact with her own kind but she full well knows their rules but hey rules are meant to be broken...

5) Silver Rouge Forever. - Do you think it's funny how all the other wolfs who belong to a pack automatically think of rouges as mean, dirty, dangerous, good for nothing creatures that have done something bad in life. Wolfs that have kicked out or run away from a pack for doing something wrong. Not all wolfs are like that. Not me. I am a she wolf and I am a rouge by choice Why??? Well you'll just have to find that out won't you....

6) If He's Dangerous, Why Do I Love Him So Much? - She was just a normal girl at a normal school, were nothing but shit and boring stuff happens. Well that was until she moved schools from London to LA. where she once again kept to resell didn't talk much but she knew her defence tactics as she has a trainer but when she meet him she knew he was dangerous and hurt other people. e also doesnt care about anyone but him self but how come when he meets her he feels the need to love and protect her even if he didn't know it at first seeing her hurt hurt him. But the question Kylie is asking her self is why does she love him.

7) Fighting For Survival - Once there was a girl who live in a beautiful house and had a wonderful family. the girl searched the county for her prices and found him then they all lived happily ever after ...who am I kidding this is no fairy tale in fact it is completely different She ha a good start to life but then after tiring to save someone who didn't want to e saved she was kick out of her pack. the rouges are forming an army and she is not with them however will she be able to convince others of this or will she stay a prisoner forever

8) Sing Your Heart Out -Once there was a girl who live in a beautiful house and had a wonderful family. the girl searched the county for her prices and found him then they all lived happily ever after ...who am I kidding this is no fairy tale in fact it is the complete oppersite. This girl has lot every thing no friends no family only. A place to live and even that's not very much. But it's what she calls home. She sings to let it out but she doesn't let any one here. What happens when some one does. And it no ordinary person .....

chapter 8

It wasn't long before they came back again. The huge man, walked in like he owned the place and paced straight towards me. He didn't give me time to get away, he just came forward and grabbed the rope, that was hanging from the head collar, they had attached just before. Pulling on it he bagan to try and lead me out of the stall. I was tring to resist walking, but it was begining to hurt. Like when you get streach and all your bones click. All at the same time. An ache came over my body And I began to slide across the floor. I hadnt realised I had shut my eyes. Only when something hit my left flank did they shoot open. It can again this time only harder.

Trying to get away from it, I stepped forward, but when it came again, i had to run. I didnt like it the thing slapping on my back was stinging me, i was sure that if you looked under the hair my skin would be bright red. Only when I had run forward, did I realised that I had done exactly what they wanted. Moved

I stamped my hooves heavily on to the floor, as I continued to follow them. It felt nice to be out of the stall. I could final streach my legs properly, with out pacing in a circle. I raised my head and picked up my feet. Showing my pride and stregnth, but it also made me look good. Ha

I was lead out side and as we can out if the barn door and stepped a few paces away. I came to a halt and stood still. I breathed deeply taking in the scents of the place around me. I also looked around at my surroundings. Looking at where I was and seeing if there was anything that could be a danger towards me. When I saw nothing and smelt nothing completely out of the ordinary, I let them continue to lead me forward. As they had been tugging in my lead rope ever since I had stopped walking.

They lead me to a small paddock with green grass, that I couldn't wait to graze on. It had been a while since I had had any of the stuff and believe me it may not sound very nice to you, but to a horse it tastes great. I waited patient for them to let me go and when they did I pranced and did small leaps around the paddock, enjoying my self even though there was not much space in the small paddock, it was better than the stall.

I could still hear and see them standing and watching me. I'm sure that on a normal day I would stop and and just stand there, but right now I'm so happy I really couldn't care less. oh well. Might as well go all for it.

Picking up my speed I began to gallop in circles, the dry dirt began to pick up in to clouds, creating a mist in the air and as I kept running it kept getting bigger and bigger. When I was satisfied that it was big enough and they could no longer see me, I came to a stop and stood in the middle of the sweeping dust. I decided to have some fun so I turn and leaped over the fence, on the other side to the men, so that they couldn't see me. I did this a quietly as I could.

Still treading quietly I snuck up behind the men and just stood there. Waiting for them to notice me. When the cloud finally settled down and they could see the arena. They gave startled and panicked gasps and ran towards the arena still facing away from me.

After a while the smaller of the two turned around and with wide eyes he noticed me standing there. Still looking at me in amazement, he tapped the other on the shoulder, causing him to turn around to. He had the exact same reaction as the smaller one, but he framed some sort of words though they didn't make much sense.
"But.... you.. and ..... I .... how what ummmm...... how ?"

This made me laugh, so I threw my head back with joy and spun around before running back to the stall.

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