Looking for the herd. ( chapter 14)

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The wind was strong today. It blew all the leaves from the tree and the blossom that had only just started to grow. It is a shame that the blossom on a tree is so delicate. It was to created to withstand the strong winds like today.

Horse were created to be great runners and strong animals. Though all of us are great in strength. Only a few of us have what it takes to take care of a whole herd. The herd that you are the carer of very much relies on your.

When that leader is gone or missing for a long time, it would not be long before the herd looks for there leader. No matter where they had to go. Though many times it would only lead them in to danger, and they knew this. They would do it anyway.

This is what loyalty truly is. Not many realise that horses are so closely reliant to each other. Many humans think and I know this because I have seen it. In the eyes if the humans that are around me now. That if one horse leave another will take its place. That however has never been true.

Catching the scent on the wind I knew that it would only be ashort amount of time I till my herd got here. Then if the humans here had there was they would not be leavening here either.

I also knew that there would be an even shorter amount of time until the humans on watch here saw the approaching horse in the distance and set out to catch and contain them. I however from here could do nothing about it.

Turning my head I looked to ward the stables where they keep all the saddles and bridles. I could only hope that may be they would see them coming ad that they could get away and then stay away. I knew however that there would be almost no chance of that happening.

Unless I told them to go so.






IDEA !!!!!!!

HAHHAA right here we go.

Just as I began to go over my palm tryin to make it flawless so that nothing could go wrong I hear them.

The shouts

The runnin if feet

The opening and closing of doorS.

Hearing one certain door open. Which over the weeks my ears had grown very tuned to. I turned my head towards it as saw the general making his way towards the stable. With his riding gear on it was clear his was intent on going on this ride. That was something that I could use to my advantage.

Spinning on my rear legs in spun to the left and down the hill. Heading head in toward the stable. Reaching the stable I skidded to a stop right infront of the general though. But being the silly human he is e didn't seem to get it.

"Not now girl, I have a job that I when to do." I huffed really. Now of all times he wants to ignor me. I

Once again ran to him and stopped in front of him. This happened again and again until he tried to reach for the saddle which I so amazing just had to push off the rack and on to the floor, out of his reach.

He finally have up. " okay I give in, what do you want?" I don't do anything other the turn around so that my back was to him. Trying to tell him that he could get on. No saddle for reins. Or whip for that matter . Just him.

It took at little while fore him to understand what I was trying to do but he got there soon enough.

Sharply breathing in he began to warn me not to mess about and that if this was a game he would lock me up as punishment. He still however tried to get on and I let him. He didn't feel that heavy to me really. Which I could really weird considering how big he is bit oh well I'm not complaining. It makes my life a lot easier.

Having someone ride me though felt very strange and restricting. Not how I'm surprised to feel really. It was actually kind of annoying. But this is for my her so it is worth it.

Feeling him want to walk forward. I did as he asked and began to walk in the direction of the front doors. Ignoring all the wide shocked staring eyes. That were looking at us as we walked on our way down to the front of the yard.

Here we go. Looking for the herd.

Hey guys.

So about the names there were two that I really liked and couldn't chose between them and they are also the names most mentioned from all the comments you guys left for me. Thanks for that by the way it helped a lot. Well helped me narrow it down anyway.

So I need you guys to comment and tell which one of these two names you like the most. This name is the names that will become the Generals name so pick well.

1: Jake

2: Damien

Hope to hear from you guys soon. Hope you liked the new chapter. Sorry that it Isn't the longest chapter ever. Thanks x

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