Call on the wind (chapter 15)

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Believe me when I say that getting used to this was the hardest thing I have ever had to do so far in my life. Well almost but damn that is saying something. Having someone rose on my back is not my most favourite thing in the world right now but I am putting up with it.

We were trotting now. Moving closer and closer to the herd and we had being getting closer for the last 2 hours. I then however noticed something. I could neither hear not smell my herd anymore.

Paying more attention to my surroundings I took at note to the fact that the wind hadn't changed we hadn't changed direction. So that could only mean one thing.

The herd had moved and they had done it rather suddenly or quickly. They had either seen that we were coming and decided to move off to devoid beig found. Or they had seen another threat and were running from it.

You see a herd with out a leader points every thing out side of the herd as a threat any drastic and sudden change can spook them causing them to run. Whether it was us or something else it didn't matter but something had scared them.

Which means we would have to act fast. If the herd caught wind of us and they didn't like when they smelt then we would never catch them because they would keep an eye on where we are a t all times they possibly can.

So in order to stop the scent from being so detectable I because to push forward. As I did so the other riders with is did the same. Each time they did however I would go even faster until the point when the could no longer keep up with me.

I kept on like this until I was a fair way out but they could still see me. So they would not get worried and do something stupid and ruin the whole thing.

Going to the top of the hill. I began prancing and halting suddenly so the Damien would hold on. When he did I began to rear up sending out a loud cry in the air.

A cry that I was sure that my red could hear. And being my herd they would recognise it and come within a instant. They needed their leader. That was me and they were coming.

Just to make sure that they herd it I once again sent my call out far in to the air. Damien was still clinging to my back so I returned to a standing position and let him re position himself on my back.

He was breathing hard clearly wasn't expecting me to do that. I could no longer hear the sound of hooves behind me and saw that they had all stopped and were just watching us now.

I knew the herd were far away from here wen though they could still hear me when I called. It would take a little while for then to get here so I lowered my head and began eating the grass.

Damien clearly got the idea and got off my back. Tell the other men with us further back to do so as well. They did as they were told and started chatting amongst them selves.



The sound of galloping hooves made them selves clear to me on the wind. I raised my head ad looked towards the noise. Only seeing a fist cloud in the distance I knew that was them and once again called out rearing up so they would see me and know when I was.

Their replying call is what finally got the men's here attention. All standing up they looked towards me and them past me a the on coming horse. One man reached for him lasso. However stopped when I charged towards him. Though I was showing them my herd again. I was not going to let them catch or use them.

Turning toward the herd again I ran out to meet them. We all seemed to be running as fast as we can. The miles between us had been to great for to long. The connection between a herd is a strong one and when even one of is is missing we can all feel the lose.

Reaching each other the created a circle around me each coming up to touch me as a welcome home and hello. Also to comfort themselves.

Finally I felt as if I were back where I was meant to be. However I was not going to run away. I was going to do a bit of both.

You don't know what I mean

Ahh don't worry you'll go ad out later. ;)

Xxxx haha

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