Chapter 15

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"You know what? I'm going to go to James' house and tell his parents where he is and what he's done, the stupid dickhead!" My mum spat out. I just laughed "we're going out too" Niall replied. I gave him a look as if to say 'where?what?when?' My mum said goodbye and left the house. "Where are we going then Niall?" I said raising an eyebrow "well,I'm hungry so how about Nandos?" He said with puppy dog eyes.

Oh my god! It's so cute when he does that, I swear to god I die inside! We agreed to go to Nandos and I grabbed my spare key and locked the door behind me. We jumped into Lou's car and set off.

"What do you fancy?" Niall asked as he scanned through the menu. "Uh,we'll I don't really know because you have the menu!" I replied laughing at Niall "oh uh, here" he said passing me the menu. It took me a while to decide what I wanted but I finally got here. We ordered our food and waited patiently.

"Shall we play 10 questions?" Niall asked me "yeah, you go first!" I said back. "Okay, 1. What is your favourite colour?" "Purple!" I replied. "Uhm who do you get on with best out of the boys?" I posed the question "they're all really nice lads but if I had to choose then it would be Lou" he replied.

We carried on playing until our food arrived. I looked like I had loads on my plate, I felt like a total pig! I started at my food and started to eat it. Niall finished his in minutes, a few mi items after I finished mine but left a little. It felt like my stomach was going to explode! "So you have school tomorrow?" Niall asked "yeah, unfortunately, but wait until I tell my friends about this, they'll go crazy! I replied. Niall chuckled and smiled. "I'm gonna miss you!" He said as he looked down at his lap "me too,but we'll only be away from each other for a few weeks" I said trying to cheer him up.

He got up out of his seat and held out his hand for me to hold. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me out of my seat, and then we went back to Lou's car. As we were on the way back Niall turned on the radio and 'one thing',came on. He turned it up full blast and all the memories from when James hit my hand in the car came flushing back to me. I ignored my thoughts and sang along.

'So get out,get out, get out of my head

And fall into my arms instead

I don't,I don't,don't know what it is,

But I need that one thing,yeah

You got that one thing'

Niall started to sing and dance. Everyone in their cars were staring at us but I couldn't care less. We got back to my house and my mum was home. "I'm gonna leave now,I have to get back to the lads. Take care, I'll see you in two weeks and I love you princess" Niall said pulling me into a hug. "Goodbye Niall and text me everyday and love you too!" I replied holding back my tears.

We said our goodbyes and Niall drove off. It was going to be a long two weeks

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