Chapter 11

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Niall's POV

I woke up and found that the boys were here, I smelt food! It looks like the guys have ordered pizza! I just wanted to be alone with Lily for now, it's going to take 2 or more months before my wound clears up, and we're meant to be going on tour in a few weeks! Lily came over and sat with me, she handed me a slice of pizza as started to eat it. I really like having Lily around, she made me feel happy, and I'm falling for her big time!

We finished our Pizza and then the boys went back to their own apartments "call us if you need us mate!" Liam shouted to me, I just nodded.

Lilly's POV

Not long after we finished eating, the boys went back to their own apartments. Liam told Niall to ring him if we needed him. "Behave yourselves!" Liam winked at me and walked through the door I rolled my eyes and shut the door behind him. "Are you tired?" Niall asked me,"yeah, sort of" I replied smiling at him, we decided to go to bed, we had a long day and it stressed him out. We climbed into bed, it felt so warm with Niall cuddled up next to me "thanks for everything you've done for me, I can't thank you enough! Your my hero! I said turning to face Niall "anything for you princess" he replied, wrapping his arms around me. I felt my cheeks go red, but I ignored it. We soon fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up nice and early, Niall was still asleep. I haven't told him I'm leavin tomorrow,he would try to stop me, but I couldn't let him, I have to go back to my parents and finish off my year at school. I had already arranged for a can to pick me up tomorrow at noon, it was heartbreaking, but it's for the best.

For the past two weeks Niall has took care of me, been there for me, gave me cuddles and told me everything was going to be okay, I went into the spare room where my suitcase is and started packing. It took me ages but I managed to pack everything before Niall woke up.

I went went into the kitchen an turned the kettle on when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, i turned around to see Niall starkg into my eyes. "Sleep well?" He asked "yeah" I replied. "Cuppa?" I asked giggling "sure!" Niall exclaimed. I made the drinks and sat down on the sofa, I knew I had to tell Niall I was leaving, it just hurt that I had to leave him and that I might never see him again. "N-Niall, you know I'm leavin tomorrow right?" I asked, I felt horrible! "What? No! You never told me, you can't leave!" He said looking really worried "I've already arranged for a cab to pick me up, I knew you would act like this, I'm sorry Nialler but I have to finish off my year at school" I explained.

He looked gutted, I didn't want to leave him but I have to. "And what about James?" He said "James is in prison, he won't hurt me again! He's far away from me" I stood up and went to get changed. I checked my phone and received a text


Hey sweetie, how are you? Can't wait to see you tomorrow I've missed you!

I had to text her back, otherwise she might of thought I was being ignorant.


Hey mom! I'm fine, and me neither! I've missed you too!

I sent the text and shoved my phone into my pocket knowing I had to tell her about James when I got back, she's going to kill me for not telling her, which I could understand why.

I came out of the bathroom and sat on the sofa and waited for Niall to come back. "Come on" he said exiting his room. "Where are we going?" I asked very confused! "We're going to the police station and talk to James about him abusing you and him trying to kill me and making sure he stays there for a while!" Niall said , we was just over protective I guess.

"I won't let him hurt you, I promise."Niall said kissin me on the cheek. I swallowed hard and walked out of the apartment. We got into Niall's car and drove to the police station. We arrived and Niall got out of the car and so did I. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the derelict building. As we walked up to the door Niall felt me tense up and he slightly squeezed my hand and smiled at me, I smiled back. We opened the door and walked through a long corridor. At the end stood two big, bulky men "what are you doing here?" One of the men asked. "We came to see someone, it's really important, please let us through!" Niall asked.

The men moved out of the way and opened the door. We walked through a massive, cold room with all of the cells. In the middle of he room was a guard reading a newspaper in his chair. He looked up and pulled up his glasses onto his nose which were nearly falling off of his face. "What are you here for?" The guard questioned, he had a rather croaky voice which frightened me, mine and Niall's fingers were still untwined. "We're came to see Jame Reid" Niall said. "Sorry kid, you have to book an appointment "the guard replied. Niall begged for us to let us see him.

"Alrighty, this way" he said. We followed him into a small room, with a large glass window. We sat and waited for James to come in, the glass was there to separate me and Niall from James. The guard was behind us leaning against a grey wall. "U-hm, can we chat to James alone, it's private?" Niall asked the guard. He didn't say anything, he just walked out of the room.


(A/N): hey guys! What do you think will happen next? Do you like the story so far? Please comment on what you think and thank you so much for reading, it means a lot! :)

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