Chapter 17

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My alarm began to ring "ugh! Shut up!" I groaned when I realized I had school. I quickly got into the shower and then got out. I got dressed into some skinny jeans and my favourite top and threw on a hoodie as it looks cold. I straightened my hair and put in my favourite headband and whipped a light layer of make up on.

I ran down stairs and grabbed a peice of toast. "Good morning honey" my mum called as she buttered some toast. "Morning mom" I called back. After I finished my toast I said goodbye to my mum and grabbed my school bag and started walking to school. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a message from Niall and a message from Rose, I obviously read Niall's first.


Hey Princess! Hope you have a good day today, wanna Skype later? :) xx


Hey Niall! And I'm sure I will, hope you have a good day too! And yeah! Sure thing, but it will be about 5:00 cuz of school, speak soon, love you xx


Hey girl! You have some explaining to do today ;) and meet me by Mr Hawke's class when you get to school :) x


Hey Rose :) and I know, it's a really long story and okay :) x

I sent the messages and kept walking. I wonder what Niall is doing, I miss him already!

I got to the school gate and walked through. I went inside and walked down a long corridor where loads of kids stood and waited for the first bell to ring. A few classes down I saw Rose waiting for me. "Hey Rose!" I screamed as I ran up to her. I smile spread across her face. "Heeeyyyy! I've missed you so much!" She replied as she hugged me. "How have you been?" I asked. "Not to bad, what about you?" She replied. I didn't know what to say. "Uhm like I said last night, a nightmare but amazing at the same time" I smiled.

The bell rang and we stood outside Mr Hawke's classroom waiting for him to open the door. "I'll tell you what happened at lunch but its kind of bad so please don't tell anyone" I asked biting my lip. "I won't, I promise" she replied as Mr Hawke opened the door and let us in.

Everyone stormed into the classroom and me and Rose grabbed out seats before anyone else could. We usually sit by the window, it's our favourite seat. "Yo Lily, where's James?" One of James friends called from the other side of the classroom, by now everyone was staring at me. "How am I supposed to know" I replied shrugging my shoulders. "Do you know where he is?" Rose asked sounding suspicious I just nodded my head and closed my eyes.

"Settle down while I take the register" Me Hawke shouted at the class. Math was my least favourite subject and it was he FIRST lesson of he day!

The hour went really slow, I nearly fell asleep I was so bored. The second bell rang and we got dismissed from the classroom. "What have we got next?" I asked Rose who was looking at her time table. "English" she replied and sighed.

We got Into English and the teacher just let us chat, as it was our first day back. "Do you wanna tell me now?" Rose asked "nah, you'll scream. Lets wait until lunch." I replied as I scanned over the class. I found one of my other friends, Teegan. I got up out of my seat and went over to her "hey Teeg" I said as she looked up at me and smiled "Hey!" She said as she stood up to give me a hug. We talked for ages and then the bell rang for break.

Break didn't last long. Well it seemed like it didn't. Next we has science, I also hates science! You have to do really gross stuff that makes you feel sick!

We sat down and waited patiently for the teacher. "Good morning class, today we will be dissecting a Sheeps heart. My jaw hit the floor! "I can't do that!" I whispered in Roses ear, "yuk! Me neither!" She whispered back. I hate stuff like that! Blood,veins the lot! It makes me feel sick!

"Come and grab some goggles and gloves!" My teacher called as she went into a room and came out with a trolley with the goggles and gloves on. I reached over and grabbed a pair of gloves and put on some goggles. We gathered around a table with the Sheeps heart on. I had to stand back and cover my mouth with my hands. As stupid as it gets one of James's what he calls "friend" kept prodding it with his hand and stuck his fingers in it "Ben get out of here now you stupid child!" My teacher screamed at him.

I ran to a sink and threw up, it was disgusting! I've never seen anything like it! "Are you okay Lily?" My teacher asked as she patted my back. I nodded my head and moved out of the way.

The bell for lunch went and we all bombarded out of class. In my point of view they shouldn't make us dissect something like that when we have lunch straight after, it's rather off putting! Anyways I buried that gross image deep Inside my mind and queued up in the lunch line. After five minutes me and Rose got served and went to find a place to sit. We sat in a four seated table up a corner so no one could hear what I was saying. "Tell me,tell me,tell me!" Rose cheered as she begun to eat her pizza.

"Well, I was meant to be going on vacation with James, he was actin really weird when we were there, but then he abused me and punched me,kicked me, pulled my hair and many more. He really hurt me. And then Niall Horan from One Direction saved me. But then James shot him in his shoulder but he's fine now, and now James is on prison and I'm Niall's girlfriend and I'm going on your with the boys in a few weeks and I can bring someone with me!" I explained. Her eyes widened and nearly chocked on her pizza. "Wha-really? How could he do that? The stupid fucker! And oh my god! Your actually Niall's girlfriend? I can not believe th- and you can take someone on tour, girl this is crazy!" She started to fangirl.

I started to laugh and she tried to calm herself down. "Yeah and I'm taking you with me!" I said as I smiled at her like mad. She screamed with joy not caring about everyone staring at her.

For the rest of the day she wouldn't shut up about Niall and he guys, or even about James. It was crazy but I loved them all so much!


Please,please,please comment on what you honk, I really want to know :) and please give me some advice to make my story better please? And thanks for all your reads :)

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