#17 You Go In For Surgery

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You'd never had surgery before so honestly you were freaking out and Phil and you had spent the last few days trying to get you prepared so you weren't so scared for it. You were having your appendix out. You were laying in the hospital bed your small hand in Phil's larger one who was hovering over your bed brushing hair behind you ear.
"You're gonna be fine, when you get out me and you will eat all the ice cream in the world and watch every single anime on the couch okay?" He comforts.
You nod feeling tears gather in your eyes. He is quick to wipe them away with his thumb. "Don't cry love, you're gonna be fine okay?"
"I promise, cross my heart." He manages a smile, first you have to tell me though what ice cream to get." He chuckles. You manage a smile.
"Cookies and cream." You giggle watching his icy blue eyes stare into yours.
"Done," he smiles kissing your cheek.
"Are you ready Mrs. Lester?" A nurse asks.
"Yeah," you nod. Phil wipes away your final tears and places a kiss on your forehead.
Your eyes flutter open to see Dan next to you holding your hand. Automatically you feel a pain in your lower stomach, you had just got done with gallbladder surgery.
"Hey love, your done," he smiles tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You smile and close your eyes. He places a kiss on your forehead continuing to rub the back of your hand with his thumb, "you did fantastic baby." He smiles wider.
"I love you Dan." You manage.
"I love you to Y/N." He says kissing your soft lips.
"Thank you."
"For what?" He chuckles.
"Being here for me."
"Where else would I be?"
You giggle a little but soon stops because you felt the pain get worse. He stops laughing and puts a hand on your scar, it soothed the pain a little bit.

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