Dan Imagine || Notes *Requested*

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A piece of paper being shoved on your desk distracted you from your doodling. You look over at the person beside you. It was your best friend Dan who was acting like he didn't just shove a note on your desk. You smile picking it up and opening it to reveal a letter that said
"His nose is long than this lecture."
He was referring to your teacher who you two can't help but laugh at secretly, it didn't help he wasn't the nicest teacher. You bite your tongue trying not to laugh at the note. You look to Dan who was smiling his famous smile. You write back.
"I swear with every lecture it gets bigger."
You toss it back when the teacher turns his back, it lands right on his notebook. You go back to doodling in yours which just happened to be a heart with an arrow. When the piece of paper is returned to you, a new note is written on it.
"So, you wanna go see a movie Friday?"
You're quick to reply. You secretly had a crush on a Dan ever since to heeds little when you started to become friends bu were way to scared it would change things and scared of his reaction so you didn't tell him.
"Of course." Was your reply. You throw it backs he note almost filled with your conversation.
He threw a new piece of paper on your desk with some scribble I the corner but you didn't pay attention to that. You can't help but let out a light laugh at his joke about the teacher who also had a terrible Irish accent.
"Is there something funny
Ms.Y/L/N?" He asks his accent thickening.
"No sir." You reply looking to Dan who was smiling trying to contain his laughter his dimples raising with his smile. The teacher turns aprons continuing his lesson that you had no idea about. You go to reply when the bell rang. The entire class ruptures with joy leaving. Your smile fades when you notice the doodle in the corner read
"Y/N, I love you." But it was half erased and in terrible handwriting. Dan stands and you follow not leaf the note. You walk out of the class and tug at dans bag. He stops.
"What's up?" He asks.
"One thing." You whisper wrapping your hands around his neck and kissing him hard. He's taken aback at first but accepts it.
"We come here to learn not make out!" A teacher says while walking past. You break up.
"What was that about?" He asking not able to wipe the smirk off his face.
"I saw the message in the corner." You reply.
"You saw that?" His cheeks go a bright red. You nod,
"Come on, we're gonna be late." He says taking your hand and walking you to the next class.

So this was my first request for this Dan and Phil preference and imagine book, so thank you Vanilla_Rainbow I hope this is what you wanted and enjoyed it! If you have a request you can PM me or put it in the comments and it will be done! Thanks guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
Stay gold mother fluffers✌🏻️

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