#36 You Lose The Baby

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"I can't believe there's a baby in there." Phil smiles resting a hand on your still flat stomach and placing a kiss right above your belly button and another on your temple. You smile taking his hand as he leans over shutting if the light and spooning you.
"Goodnight sweetheart." He whispers kissing your cheek.
"Night Philly." You say happily taking his hand that wasn't placed on your stomach. You shut off your lamp and close your eyes  rubbing his knuckles with your thumb as you slowly fall asleep.
Your awaken your stomach fluttering. You sit up feeling extremely uncomfortable. Feeling wet your flip up the covers revealing you to be sitting in a puddle blood. You turn on the light shaking Phil, who was fast asleep rolled on his side.
"Phil!l you choke out. He groans. "Phil!" You shout again shaking him awake as tears fall down your cheeks. He sits up rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"What's wrong?" He yawns turning on his bed side lamp. He looks over and is soon awake.
"What do we do?" You whisper.
"Come on, let's get you to a hospital." He stands tossing you a new pair of clothes and throwing on some new ones for himself as well. He takes your hand helping you up as he wraps your arm around waist and taking you down the apartment stairs and hailing a cab at 2 in the morning.
You got to the hospital half an hour later and found yourself sitting in a hospital. He takes your hand rubbing it lightly. "I love you." He whispers kissing your temple unable to hide his tears. You just nod not trusting your voice. A doctor dressed in a white lab coat and scrubs comes in holding a clipboard.
"Telling a couple this doesn't get any easier, but you lost the baby." He explains. You break into tears and search for Phil for comfort, he is quickly there rubbing your back as you cried.
"It's alright." He comforts kissing the top of your head as the doctor leaves giving you two space.
A couple weeks ago at 12 weeks pregnant you had lost your baby that you and Dan had tried so hard for. Ever since then Dan hasn't made a video, tweeted, been on tumblr, went to BBC with Phil, or even talked to Phil since that night ignoring Phil's attempts to talk to him and you weren't motivated either but was handling it a lot better than Dan, you were fine about nine days after and Dan still wasn't moving.

  You walk into the bedroom you shared with Dan, the bed was unexpectedly empty. You look into the bathroom and see him doing his hair.
"Dan?" You ask from the door frame leaning up against it. He looks over still using the straighter on his hair.
"Im alright." He whispers nodding while unplugging it to wrap his arms around you he towered over your small figure compared to his kissing the top of his head.
"I love you Daniel." You whisper.
"I love you too." He chokes out.
"Im gonna make a video, imma gonna tell them." He explains moving to the bedroom and moving the camera out of the corner and placing it in front of the butt chair. "Come be in it." He pleads. You nod sitting beside him.
He switches on the camera, taking a deep breath
"So, I don't like to cry on camera, and I don't think I've done it ever but once in a video I made a long time ago called Butterfingers. Well, uh, I'm probably going to here. No imma gonna cry." He wipes his nose before searching for your hand for comfort.
"I haven't been on the Internet at all these past couple a weeks or eating like I should, or getting outta bed, I'm gonna be alright now but, uh." He takes a deep breath as you rub his knuckles for comfort.
"Uh, a few months ago, we announced we were expecting and uh, something went wrong and we lost the baby. None of this is Y/N's fault and if anyone says that I swear to god. Anyways, I uh,  just need your support right now and it's all we need and this is something I know a lot of people go through this and I know that, but uh it doesn't make it any easier, so I'm gonna try and get back into the swing of things and talk to Phil and my wife again, I have her here for emotional support because right noemi need it, so uh, thanks for watching and, subscribe and all that crap and I'll uh, see you guys later, thanks for understanding again," he whispers the last part waving and switching it off. You look over and hug him tight as he starts to sob in your arms.

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