Ch. 4 Marriage?

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Had extra time after math class. This was supposed to go up tomorrow. You can thank piercethephanfics and EmCrouch for not bugging me while I wrote 🤗. Very short, but it's an update.

The morning sun dawdled outside of Harry's window when he woke up. An orange glow washed his room in several colors, causing his eyes to burn slightly. Over his feet and legs was a large woolen blanket which he recognized from the linen closet downstairs. His mum or dad must've put it over him in the night.

Ginny was gone, of course, he hadn't expected her to stay much longer. Though, the look on Ron's face would have been priceless. A mixture of disgust and anger that may either have Harry rolling on the floor in laughter or six feet under.

Still, he found himself missing her. Her warmth curled into his side, the feel of her heartbeat against him... He shook his head, moving his hand to rest on his chest. Cold metal dug into his skin and he looked down at the locket. It was orange in the sunrise, and the inscription danced in the light. Silently, he wondered what the words meant. He didn't even know which language it was in, though he guessed it was French.

Rolling onto his side, Harry yawned, kicking his blanket off of his legs. Deep in the back of his mind where the Bond resided, Harry felt Ginny was still in a deep sleep. It made sense. Even in Hogwarts, Harry was awake before her. Some rare weekends he had a full hour before she reluctantly woke up. In that time, Harry would dress quickly and eat breakfast. If he was lucky, he'd get done eating in time to grab some food for her and hike back up to the Common Room like the good boyfriend he was.

Harry decided quickly to shower and dress before she woke up, and he went ahead to do that before eating breakfast. The hot water helped clear his mind as he thought out the day. Maybe he could take a walk, or fly to the Burrow to pick up Ginny.

His dad had already left for work by the time Harry trekked downstairs to find his mother at the counter, Cara on her hip and a book opened in front of her. A platter of pancakes was on the table and Harry helped himself to a few before turning to get some orange juice.

With a sly glance at his occupied mother, Harry sidled back to his seat, raising his hand triumphantly. A few seconds, and he held a jug of juice. Lily hadn't noticed, but Cara did, clapping her hands and giggling at the cool trick.

Unscrewing the lid, Harry filled his glass before digging into the breakfast. Around this time, Ginny woke up because of the surge of magic he used and small streams of annoyance leaked through the Bond. Harry grinned, knowing that if he showed up at the Burrow now he would be mauled by an angry lioness.

And so, Harry stood and put his dishes in the sink, kissing his mothers cheek as well as poking his little sister's belly and making her giggle, and then set off. He grabbed his broom from his bedroom and took off from the balcony. The wind through his hair felt amazing as he flew through the air, waiting for Ginny to cool down.

A few times she attempted feeble communications, but he was too far away for them to work and instead she ended up with a headache. He silently scolded her for that, worried she'd end up hurting her magical core again, but she just waved him off. Theoretically of course, they were five miles away from each other.

Finally after around an hour, Harry flew towards the Burrow, heading straight to her window. Before he came near, he sent a quick warning so he wouldn't scare her socks off, and then tapped her window to get her attention.

The window opened almost automatically and Ginny smiled at him, dressed in blue jean shorts and a white tee shirt. She climbed onto the broom with him, entwining her arms around his waist before he took off.

Hey, love, rested? Harry joked and he received a slap to the back of his head.

For your information, I was up late last night. Someone wouldn't let go of me after they fell asleep. I got in trouble because of you, you should have seen mum's expression when I came in last night. She snapped back. Harry cringed at the thought.

What did she think happened? He questioned. Ginny went silent for a second as if wondering whether he was kidding or not.

What do you think? Embarrassment creeped through the Bond on both sides.

Well, she had to know that my mum and dad were home. Nothing could have really happened. Harry said sheepishly, steering the broom to make a loop around the Burrow.

I told her that, but of course she ignored me. At least she can't ground me. Ginny huffed, tightening her grip on Harry's waist as they started to gain speed and altitude.

Why couldn't she?

Oh, because she knows it's painful for us to be apart. Dad talked to her as well, showed her how unreasonable she was being. Ginny replied, putting her head between Harry's shoulder blades.

Well... She knows we're bound to be married. No pun intended. Harry said. They went silent for a minute, both imagining what it'd be like to be married to their soulmate. Fighting over which side of the bed one slept on, breakfast at three in the morning, relaxing in their own living room.

That's a while off. Ginny reminded him, watching the sky.

Not really. I mean... With this war and all... I heard my mum and dad talking about it. Couples rushing to get married, some at just seventeen.

Mum would have a field day with that. Ginny scoffed. Harry chuckled, slowing the broom down and looking over his shoulder to watch her expression.

It's true. Especially with us, there are so many murders. Padfoot and Moony? They made bets on how long it'd take us to get hitched. Harry laughed.

What did they say? Ginny asked. Harry shrugged, not willing to lie and say he didn't know. The truth was, he did. It was just a little embarrassing. Moony had said they'd get married at sixteen, Padfoot said they'd be in tuxes at a wedding in less than a year. Harry doubted either were going to happen, but it had lurked on his mind for a while.

I love you. Harry started off towards the Burrow again. Ginny sighed, squeezing his waist.

I love you too, Harry.

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