Ch. 47

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Uhm, sorry in advance...

Ch. 47
The Cage of Darkness

Ginny opened her eyes to see darkness. It wasn't like the darkness that surrounded you as you went to sleep at night, or the darkness that spread across your city as the sun went down.

No, it was bold and absolute. It was suffocating, like she was in a coffin and she could feel the weight of the earth on top of her. Her ears sought out the tiniest of sound, but got nothing except for the buzz of utter silence, it was like the universe was a rowdy kid who couldn't stop speaking even for moments and instead had to start humming or whistling.

There was the smell of wood and fresh dirt, but when Ginny reached her hands out in front of her she could feel nothing. She took a step... two... And there was nothing.

"Hello?" She immediately regretted yelling, as her voice multiplied over and over again, threatening to make her topple over with the force of just one word.

She slowly turned in a circle, her eyes straining against the darkness. Just when she determined that there was nothing, and completed her circle, she looked in front of her to see light. Just like that, she had a beacon that could guide her. It had just appeared, but she didn't exactly care.

She walked forward, stepping on the awful feeling ground lightly. It was like she walked on Jell-O, the dark substance quivering under her feet with every move.

The light wasn't that far away, and she reached it soon, but something pulled at her stomach. She felt something like a compass needle pointing behind her, directing her away from the light.

She turned to be face to face with a boy.

Ginny... Harry said in relief. Without any thought she threw her arms around him, but there was no pain. Instead, she felt pure happiness. The scratching was gone, and she could hold him in her arms.

Her lips slammed onto his again, and they kissed. It wasn't slow and hesitant like their last one, but it was like this was the last time they'd ever kiss. Which it could have been.

Merlin, how she had missed this.

Harry was whispered words into her mind and against her lips, I love you. I love you. You scared me. I love you.

She realized that they were communicating through the Bond and pulled back slightly, Harry's face traveling with her. She smiled slightly and moved his lips off of hers with a quiet gentleness.

Harry, The Bond. She reminded him, looking down to where her hands were at his chest. They glowed heavily.

Where are we? He asked, looking around. Ginny turned and he grabbed her hand immediately like he couldn't stand to not be in contact with her.

The glow behind them was expanding towards them, and she looked at the color. Gold. Beautiful gold.

She had a feeling she knew exactly where they were. And her heart clenched.

Oh, no...

"If you two would mind..." A voice said at the edge of the darkness. Ginny almost had a heart attack right then, and pulled Harry into the light with her.

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