Ch. 39

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Ch. 39
I Miss You...

Harry knew something was wrong.

One second, he was holding his girlfriend close, exchanging whispered nothing's in the firelight, and the next she was on a rampage. She blocked him from the Bond, cringed at his touch, and told him she hated him.

He knew she didn't hate him. Or, at least that's what he told himself. He wasn't sure if he could handle it if she hated him. If she broke up with him...

That's why Harry was doing this. Sitting in the library with a book securely in his hands as he peeked through the gap between literature on the tall bookshelf. She sat there, her back to him, her head laying on her arms.

He was there for five minutes when he decided she was probably asleep, and it wasn't worth his time. He got ready to leave, taking one long look at the girl just beyond his reach, and made for the door.

Which opened before he could move two steps. The hinges creaked and he spotted Ginny sit up straight, standing up and watching as Katrin shuffled towards the desk.

"Ginny?" Katrin muttered.

"Here." Ginny said back, moving some of her stuff so Katrin could take a seat beside her. The girl nodded and smiled in thanks, "Is Cain coming?" Ginny asked.

"He is talking to The Source right now." She said "The Source" like it was a living being, and Harry wondered who it could be. But only briefly, as Ginny leaned toward Katrin.

"Any news?" She asked, her voice filled with hope. Katrin stared for half a moment, then looked down at the book she'd taken from one of the shelves.

"None. We are hardly in the clear." She replied, opening the book, "Cain refuses to tell me anything about who he's been talking to. Says it's dangerous-" The sound of footsteps approached, "I suppose the main use of Gillyweed is for breathing underwater, but it can also be used in potions, can't it?" She switched paths, head bent over the book. The footsteps retreated.

"What? How would it be dangerous?" Ginny put her palms down on the table and Harry caught sight of a promise ring. He wore a matching one as well, and twisted it on his finger as he listened. There was a sick feeling in his stomach as Katrin and his Bond Mate continued to talk, speaking of attacks and wars, meetings and The Ministry.

"Don't you have detention soon?" Katrin asked, raising her eyebrows at Ginny.

"So does he..." Ginny replied and Harry knew who she was talking about. She was talking about him.

"Don't let him get near you, Ginny. We talked about this." Katrin said softly, "It's for your own good. He can't know about any of this."

Harry had the sudden urge to jump out from behind the bookshelf and shout "TA-DA!"

"Why, Katrin?" Ginny turned and he got a good view of her eyes. Her beautiful eyes that he could get lost in so easily were dark and blood-shot, "You don't understand how hard it is. He's more than my Bond-Mate, he's my best friend. I can't do this without him!" She sounded hysterical, and Harry felt the need to go and comfort her at that moment.

"You'll just hurt him. And the more you hurt him, the closer he'll want to be to you. It's the way boys work." Katrin packed her bags.

"Not Harry. Harry'll understand. He'll stay away." Ginny insisted.

"This isn't the place to talk about it. One touch from him could kill you, you need to stay as far away from him as possible." Katrin sighed, looking back at Ginny with sad and tired eyes, "Please," She laid her hand on Ginny's arm lightly, "Just do as we say. We're here to help you in times like this." Katrin muttered so softly that Harry almost couldn't catch it.

"I know you are, Katrin. But Harry and I are Bonded. It... Hurts. It hurts to be away..." Ginny swallowed.

"Tell you what, I'll talk to Cain. Maybe we can figure something out." Katrin sighed, "Be safe, Ginny." She said, and immediately turned to leave. Harry thought he could see the smallest spark of color grace her cheeks before she was out the door.

Ginny didn't move, instead crossed her arms and looked at the floor, "You can come out now, Harry. I know you're there." She said, her voice heavy. Harry's stomach was churning when he walked over to face her.

"Look, I was studying and I-"

"I don't care." Ginny looked up and Harry automatically knew she wanted him to hold her and comfort her, but would never admit it. And, apparently, he was supposed to stay away from her or she'd die. That was enough to keep his instinct at bay.

"I never meant to make you upset." Harry said quietly, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's not you, Harry. You don't know the half of it." Ginny laughed, but it was cold and without amusement, "Merlin, you don't know the least."

"I heard your conversation. What's wrong?" Harry ignored her earlier statement.

"Oh, nothing. Just that Tom Riddle has wormed his way back into my skull, that's all." Ginny said quickly, shaking her head. Harry felt a pang of anger in his chest as she said that.

"Tom Riddle is dead." Harry responded, "I killed him."

"Not fully, apparently, because as my walls were shattered after the Umbridge incident, Chimp Boy managed to plant a curse in my mind that brought the small piece of Tom's conscience back to my head." Ginny scoffed.

"Gin..." Harry looked down, "I'm so sorry..." The urge to wrap her in his arms was almost overpowering, but he dug his heels into the ground and stayed put.

"It's not your fault, Harry... I'm just tired, that's all." Ginny assured him, pinching the bridge of her nose with a sigh.

"I miss you." Harry said.

"I..." She hugged the book she'd been holding tighter to her chest and looked up at him. Their eyes met and somehow Harry was able to understand her feelings perfectly, even though she was still blocking the Bond. She was biting her tongue, but he knew what she'd say back to him if she could.

"I love you." Harry said slowly, remembering the last time he'd said that and she'd exclaimed how she hated him.

Ginny seemed to struggle for a moment, her mouth forming words that her tongue wouldn't say. Then, finally, she shut her mouth and the full force of the Bond exploded into Harry's mind.

I love you. Her voice said. Then, the Bond shrunk back, and Ginny smiled victoriously. Harry laughed.

"So, you don't really hate me?" He asked sheepishly. She, again, struggle to say something. Harry held up his hand, "It's okay. You're having trouble with it. It's fine. I know you didn't mean it..." He thought back to what she'd said earlier, "Oh... It was Tom." He whispered.

Ginny smiled, her eyes pained, "Goodbye, Harry." She blurted, turning to leave. Harry wanted to go after her, but had the distinct idea that that wouldn't help. She had looked like she was about to explode with hateful words as she left.

So, Harry sunk down into a chair and slowly closed his eyes, a pressure in his chest slowly unraveling for the first time two days.

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