Ch. 21

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Ch. 21
The Ferret Gets a Bath

Harry and Ginny found Draco laughing in a little girl's face. She was tiny, smaller than most of the other second years, and wore a pale dress, green stockings underneath, and muddy wellies that went to her knees. Her blonde hair was pulled into a long braid, and a pair of large boxy glasses balanced on her nose, making her eyes seem two times bigger. She was clearly from a poor family, exactly why Draco and his minions were bullying her. She looked familiar, but the Bonded couldn't remember where they'd seen her.

"What's wrong? Do the alligators in your swamp scare you, Mudblood?" Draco laughed, his head held high arrogantly and his hands in his pockets. Crabbe and Goyle stood beside him, almost blocking them from sight, and keeping Fiona from wandering.

The girl's lip trembled and she held a book to her chest tightly, like it was a shield. Anger welled in Ginny's stomach and she tapped Crabbe's shoulder, watching as he turned around only to have Harry shove him away, into an occupied compartment where he collapsed on a girl's lap. She started hitting him with a textbook.

"Excuse me." Harry shrugged. Fiona looked up at them with wide eyes, backing into the wall further. A couple faces peered through the glass of the compartments, watching as the Bonded approached Draco with their eyes ringed in gold.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ginny crossed her arms, throwing her meanest glare towards Draco. It seemed to work, because the Slytherin shifted slightly, sending Goyle a warning look like you'd better not ditch me or I'll make your life suck.

"Just teaching the brat a lesson," He looked around Ginny, who'd positioned herself in front of Fiona, and sneered.

"She didn't do anything." Ginny protested, feeling Harry fix Goyle with a death stare. The boy paled and started backing away. Now it was just the Bonded, Draco, and Fiona. Ginny heard Fiona whimper.

"So? She's a Mudblood, just like your friend Granger. They deserve to be trampled upon." He leaned forward, face inches from Ginny's as he said the last part, and then caught sight of her eyes. Gold was seeping in from around the edges, glowing slightly, covering her chocolate brown irises.

Harry almost punched Draco right then, but Ginny stopped him using the Bond, relaying the idea over again and her boyfriend calmed slightly, a sense of anticipation settling over him thinly.

"It seems hypocritical, you know." Harry said evenly, leaning on the wall beside Ginny so he was covering her side. Fiona still stood behind her, watching with wide eyes as a glow emanated from Ginny's palms. Her hazel eyes slowly rose to the ceiling, where a bubble of water was sloshing as if in an invisible bowl; right over Draco's slimy head.

"Is that right?" Draco looked slightly confused, watching Harry and Ginny closely as if making sure they didn't have their wands out. Luckily, they didn't need their wands.

"Yeah," Harry nodded, "Because, you already know how muddy you are. No one else is half as stupid as you." Ginny nodded with her boyfriend's words, her hands resting at her sides.

"Such a shame. Well, I'm sure we could help." She said with pity, clasping her hands together, then she smirked, "Let's clean him up. Shall we?" She grinned at Harry.

Her Bondmate whipped out his wand and one of his socks at the same time, transfiguring the sock into a bar of soap in a quick move. At the same time, Ginny transfigured his other sock into a towel, watching as Harry enchanted the soap to lather Draco finely. This happened in a matter of five seconds, Draco too shocked to move. Finally, bubbles arose from his clothes and Ginny dropped the water.

Draco was drenched, blubbering as he swatted away the soap which thudded onto the floor. Goyle ran off, following after Crabbe who had retreated long before, and Draco made to go after them. The towel zoomed through the air, whipping him and winding around his ankles so he struggled to stay upright.

Fiona was giggling from behind Ginny, and the Bonded turned to see her immensely satisfied face.  The girl turned to them, wrapping her arms around Ginny's waist.

"Thank you for saving me," She looked up at the two, "again."

And it clicked where Ginny had seen the little girl. In the midst of a battle, and the girl had thrown rocks at the Death Eaters. At the same time, Ginny had saved her from a Crucio, them both taking cover in the doorway of a shop. And Harry recognized her as the girl who he'd seen die. Who's hair had splayed around her like a puddle of light.

It was the girl from Diagon Alley.

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