Ch. 38

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Ch. 38
Flickering Eyes

Katrin shut her mouth, looking away from the girl in front of her and towards her brother, who looked shocked.

"Katrin? Ginny? Did I..." He looked awkward, for once in his life, and kept giving Katrin a strange look.

"It's fine, Cain. Did you tell the professors?" Katrin crossed her arms, turning her body away from Ginny, who was leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, I did. Ginny, your training sessions are cut short with Sirius. We thought we would step in."

"Why can't Sirius come?" Ginny asked slowly, "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. He's simply busy." Cain smiled, "We're here to talk to you about some things."

"Why isn't Harry here, then?" Ginny raised her eyebrows, looking between Katrin and Cain.

"Because you need to stay as far away from him as possible, Ginny." Katrin said, her voice deadly and still, "It isn't safe."

"He..." Ginny almost stepped in to defend her boyfriend (If he was even that anymore) but stopped herself. After the past couple of days, Ginny wasn't sure Harry would want to be around her anyway. She had broken his heart.

Cain cleared his throat, smiling through the awkward tension in the air, "I say we head to The Room of Requirement-"

"The what?" Ginny cut him off, standing up straight.

"Room of Requirement. Neville Longbottom discovered it not too long ago, I heard him talking about it with Hannah." Katrin sighed, "It's where we'll have these little talks."

"Talking about what?" Ginny asked immediately, narrowing her eyes at Katrin. The Hufflepuff looked away.

"The Bond." Cain explained softly, cracking a smile.

"What? How much do you all know about the Bond?" Ginny asked hesitantly.

"More than you or Harry." Katrin started walking off, her arms tightening around herself. Ginny almost followed, but noticed that Cain was still standing still.

"How do you know-"

"We'll explain that to you, Ginny." Cain held up his hand, "I know you're anxious to talk to us, but hold your horses for a few minutes."

"Hold my horses?"

"It's a saying..."

"Come on!" Katrin waved at them from down the hall, "I've got it."

The hallway that used to be empty of doorways now held one. A giant set of dark doors, standing square in the middle of the hall. It had just appeared out of nowhere, which surprised Ginny only slightly.

"Ready?" Cain gave a lopsided grin and strode off towards the doors, Ginny following soon after. Katrin waved them inside, her fingers brushing against Ginny's sleeve slightly as the girl passed before she snatched her hand back and shut the doors.

"Wow..." Ginny breathed, taking in the sigh before her. A large room, laden with ornate chairs and couches, was bathed in golden light. The fire flickering at the wall was bright and tall, the flames licking at the top of the fireplace. The rugs that were thrown out around them were mixed of yellow and red, and platters of biscuits and tea were set on a footstool by the couch closest to the fire.

It was dark outside the windows, rain trailing down the cold panes and making intricate shapes. The wallpaper was red with golden designs swirling across it, and in the corner of the room there were throw pillows across the floor. Flowers and other plants stood tall in beautiful vases and by the small work table pushed against one wall.

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