Ch. 5 I... Didn't Know I Could Do That

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Really short chapter because Wattpad is glitching and deleted half of my writing...

It started with the screaming.

Terrible, blood chilling screams. Male, probably, though Ginny couldn't exactly tell. Sometimes it was high pitched, sometimes lower, and sometimes it blended together. It sent shivers down her spine, no matter whose screams it was.

It was a dream, she reminded herself. The area around her was barren. A desert maybe? And it was dark, nighttime. In front of her was continuous land, only marred by the one small house pulled away from the lights at the horizon. It was clay with a thatched roof above it, the door carved out messily. Ginny wondered where she was, but another glance and she knew that she wasn't even in the right time period.

The cries stopped, instead leaving a sobbing voice. Heartbroken heaving. Ginny tried to make her way towards the noise, but couldn't move.

"Kande!" A voice yelled, breaking through the night air with the force of a freight train. Ginny stiffened, straining her eyes to hear the voice. It was definitely a guy.

Pleading came next.

"Why?" The guy cried. Silence, and Ginny wondered whether someone was in there with the man. "Why did you do this?"

"So you'd know how it felt," A cold voice came. Another man, maybe older than the first. Sobbing again. "It hurts, doesn't it?"

"Yes... It hurts... Just like this-" A pained gasp issued from the hut, making Ginny jump in shock. A thump, and everything went quiet.

"Kande..." The voice said soothingly, "Kande, dear, wait for me... Wait for me, alright?"

He didn't get an answer.

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