Ch. 17 Stuttering Hearts

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Ginny laughed, and Harry placed his forehead on her shoulder, chuckling lightly. It was the morning after the dream, and now they sat in the grass outside of the Burrow. The light shone onto Harry's hair, which Ginny's fingers were tangled in, and turned it lighter, almost to a golden brown.

"You're an idiot." Ginny shook her head, and he tightened his arms around her waist. She had sat herself on his lap, facing him, and they were talking of the coming year. How everything would be different. Harry joked about how he hoped they had a decent teacher. And how he wished Padfoot could be the teacher, since they could definitely get by with a lot of things.

"He would! He'd probably strut over to Dumbledore and tell him how good we've been. Except for the fact that we've skived class for the past week, of course." Ginny rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, he grinned at her with his green eyes light and cheerful.

"But of course, he's in on the whole idea of 'training' as well." She reminded him, pulling her fingers through his hair and resting her hands on the back of his neck. Harry shrugged.

"Well, it probably would never happen. Can you imagine Padfoot as a professor?" Harry's eyes widened and Ginny held back a laugh.

"It'd be disastrous. We'd start on a lesson with Animagi and Sirius would decide to scare the socks off of the first years, turning into a big dog in the middle of class." Ginny laughed and her boyfriend shook his head.

"There'd be an anarchy. Can you imagine Sirius roping the second years into marching into Dumbledore's class with a petition for 'Treacle Tart Tuesday'?" Ever since Sirius found out about the Muggle's enjoyment of matching foods with days, he begged Senior Mrs. Potter for a 'Floral Cake Friday',  he had been trying to convince Hogwarts to start the tradition as well. The sad thing is, Dumbledore would have gone through with it if not for McGonagall who overheard that they were planning a 'Fire Whisky Wednesday', in which the only drink was Fire Whisky. She was appalled by how seriously they were taking it, and closed down the schedule.

Good riddance as well, it would have been terrifying. Especially 'Troll Thursday'.

You don't want to know.

"When is training going to start anyway?" Ginny asked, thinking of Sirius. Harry shrugged, waving it off.

"Don't know. Let's just stay here though." He decided, "It's way better than spending the rest of the day firing spells at dummies."

Ginny kissed him softly, hearing his delighted sigh, then pulled back, climbing off his lap. Harry looked up at her with a 'kicked puppy' expression.

"This is serious, Harry. We have to train." She said. But Harry could tell she didn't want to leave either. He reluctantly stood, wiping the grass off of his shorts.

"Where are we even supposed to- Whoa!" Ginny had taken has hand, tugging him along as they broke into a sprint towards the Potter's house. Their laughter filled the air.

Suddenly, Ginny turned, raising her fists. "If they aren't going to show up to train us, we'll just have to train ourselves." Harry grinned at her statement.

"I can't fight you. You're-" Harry squealed and ducked as Ginny threw a punch at him, then raised his fists, "Wait-" She aimed another punch at him, and he blocked her with his forearm.

With a swift move, Harry dodged out of her way and whipped out his wand. "Ah ah!" Ginny scolded, holding out her hand. Harry's wand zoomed into her grip.

"You're getting good at that." Harry said, slight envy in his voice. Ginny smiled 'sweetly', then kicked at his leg. "How did you learn to fight like this?" Harry panted.

"Youngest of seven with six older brothers," Ginny rolled her eyes, "You learn to fight."

Harry blocked her swing and went to grab her waist, but Ginny sensed his intentions and swerved to the side. She pushed him from the side and he stumbled, letting his guard down. Ginny pushed him down, laughing thoroughly as he glared in defeat at her from where she sat on his stomach with her hands inches from his throat.

"Haha, you got beat up by a girl." Ginny celebrated, putting her hands on his chest. She felt his heart stutter and he scoffed.

"Only because you tricked me."

"I won fair and square." She breathed, leaning down and kissed him. She pulled away and raised an eyebrow at him.

"You won fair and square." He agreed, swallowing.

Ginny smiled softly.

From the window, James and Lily watched with small smiles as well. Ginny really did have their son wrapped around her finger. And they wondered if it was really that bad. Hopefully, it'd keep him from marching off to do something stupid during the war.

The war...

Both parents silently wondered if the kids would be fine. And it wouldn't end in disaster. They hoped that, at least, they'd live. And if not, they just prayed that they would go together.

Because they knew, the other option was a fate worse than death.

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