Ch. 49

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Short Chapter, sorry! It's late, and I promised a chapter today, but I didn't have time to write the entire plot point because that would take too long to write and edit so here you go. A chapter at 12:00 a.m.
Ch. 49

To say Harry was angry was a huge understatement.

He was furious, kindled with the emotion to extremes that he had almost never felt before. The lion in his chest was roaring and slamming it's body against his ribs, trying to force it's way to the surface where it would fight.

He had never wanted to be an Animagus so badly. He wanted to be able to turn into a lion, strong and proud, and rip Chimp Man's head off of his shoulders. The protectiveness inside him was brimming, as he looked at Ginny's figure.

To anyone else, she was fast asleep. Her face held no turmoil as she breathed evenly. But Harry could feel her emotions. He could feel the terror and anger that ran through her veins. Most of all, he knew she was in pain. Not only physically, as she was literally a being of light sitting in a place filling with utter darkness, but mentally. In front of her was her worst nightmare, and she was braving through it in ways that Harry could never begin to achieve himself.

"You forced me out of there. I could have saved her." Harry turned his anger to the girl that knelt in front of his Bond Mate, her eyes fixated on the wall.

"You would have been killed." Katrin said simply.

"Then you should have let me! You should have gotten her out first!" Harry exclaimed.

"You would have been trapped in her mind and Tom would never have let you out. Consider yourself lucky." Cain sighed, "Katrin, will she be alright for about three hours?"

"Definitely not." The girl answered simply, "We need to get her to the Hospital Wing, Pomfrey may be able to put her in a coma so that Tom will have a harder time killing the Bond." She said.

"Wait! We're not leaving her!" Harry exclaimed, "Not now!"

"Harry, I don't want to leave her either," Katrin breathed, her voice laced with exhaustion and annoyance that she couldn't do more, "But what's done is done. And we can save her if we just get rid of Chimpy."

Harry took a deep breath, "I want to kill him."

"Me too," Cain said, "He's done so much. And you know so little of it. But it would still be considered murder, I'm afraid. If it was Ginny, it would be self-defense. But I'm not sure the Ministry would like us marching over there and killing someone with no evidence."

"Then let me seriously injure him. Preferably with a hammer." Harry suggested. Katrin cracked a smile.

"You sound like her."

"I practically am her, same soul and whatnot." Harry noted, "Uh, with some differences."

"Some," Cain scoffed.

"Hey!" Harry scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Okay, let's not talk about this!" Katrin decided, "We have other things to do." She stood, brushing herself off quickly, "Cain, Harry, one of you carry Ginny."

Harry started forward at the same time as the other boy, about to pick her up, "She's my Bond Mate."

"I'm her Guardian. Kinda." Cain shrugged. Harry's eyes narrowed.

"You're so-"

"Boys!" Katrin sighed, "Merlin, never mind. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Especially if it's a boy you've asked to help you." She slowly picked Ginny up, looking at Harry and her brother's shocked faces with raised eyebrows, "What? Come on!"

"How are you so strong?" Cain asked.

"I don't spend all day eating biscuits and drowning my sorrows in sugary tea." She gave her brother a pointed look, "Besides, she's light as a feather and I think I still have the Blessing."

"The Blessing?" Harry asked, slightly confused as to what that was and why Katrin would have it.

"Guardian thing." Katrin shrugged, "Now, hurry up! I may have a Blessing on me currently, but I don't think I'll be able to carry her while we have a little chat." As she walked away, Harry could hear her say: "Blokes are such lunatics. Complete and utter lunatics."

It only took the two shocked boys a moment to follow after her, but both of them couldn't help but wonder what all Katrin knew about the Guardian thing. Because she clearly knew more than even Cain did, even if he was slowly losing his memory of his previous training. And Harry secretly wondered what else she was hiding behind her stony expression and sarcastic remarks. And whether or not he wanted to find out.

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