Ch. 9 Choices

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Do not worry

Harry felt his legs give out for a second and he crumbled to the floor. Ginny's arms wrapped around his waist and he felt one of her brothers help her set him upright again. But at this time, Harry was only noticing these things subconsciously as he watched a scene play before him.

A streak of black pounded into the street of Diagon Alley, a masked man stepping from it's smoke as he shot spells in all directions. Another came as well, then another, and three men stood at the base of the alley, firing jinxes and curses alike. The sky held these glowing spells, turning into a pale violet as smoke rose through the air.

One was down in a matter of minutes, a young girl, maybe nine or ten, throwing a chunk of rock at him feebly, but it caught him off guard in time for the adults to handle him. But just moments after taking a deep breath to scream, one masked man lunged at her and she scrambled away, tripping over rocks as the angry figure hurled himself after her.

He caught up with her in a matter of minutes. It was so fast, Harry could have blinked and missed it. Soon, the small girl was sprawled on the ground, her blonde hair fanned around her.

Windows shattered, guttural screams filled the air, a man crashed through a shop window in hopes to escape a rogue spell, but he just toppled over stacked iron cages which fell on top of him moments later.

All this time, Harry heard the voices around him muttering encouraging things, and felt sheer panic cover every emotion coming from Ginny.

Her brown eyes glittered with determination. It took just a few seconds for Harry to realize that she wasn't actually there. He wasn't seeing the same Ginny Weasley as the one that held his head with both of her hands, mumbling obscenities and pleas.

Vision Ginny stumbled through the cracked doorframe of Flourish and Blotts, wand held steadily in her hand. Harry himself emerged from behind her, casting a shield around her as she ran around trying to heal as many as she could. He even caught a glimpse of her attempting to use the Bond to heal a gash on an old woman's wrinkled arm.

Nearby, an explosion knocked everyone off their feet and Ginny sprawled to the ground, a sharp cry coming from her lips as a shard of glass raked across her face before Harry could shield her with his body. She held her eye with shaking hands and blood leaked down her face.

Choices, darling one, choices. A voice whispered in his ear. Choose now, or forever regret your cowardice.

Harry snapped back to reality, breathing hard as tears rolled down his face. It took several tries to swallow the lump in his throat, and when he did, he threw his arms around Ginny, bringing her close to him quickly before letting his hands roam across her face, content to see there was no blood and, in fact, she wasn't harmed at all.

"They're coming," He gasped, looking around the group, "We have just minutes before they come!" He turned his gaze towards the window, where the sun was sinking towards the horizon. Half an hour maybe to prepare.

Harry knew, whoever had shown him that vision was indeed giving him a crossroads. Selfishness or generosity, ill will or good. Running or fighting. Comfort or pain.

And he knew what he'd choose.

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