Chapter Fourteen

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"Good morning sunshine." Luke groaned over the phone. His morning voice chimed like a song in my ears , causing a smile to spread across my face. "Happy one month!"

"Happy one month." I smiled, closing my eyes as I pulled my blanket under my chin.  "I can't wait to see you tonight."

"Have a good day at school okay?"

"I don't want to go to school unless you're there." I huffed. "You gotta come."

"Nope. You'll have fun without me."

I frowned, letting out a sigh, saying good bye and hanging up. I got out of my bed, pulling on a shirt and going to brush my teeth. I pinned up my hair and began to put on my make up, not wanting to do it since it wasn't like Luke would be there anyways. I looked into my mirror as I unbuttoned, and rebuttoned the top of my shirt, not knowing how I wanted to wear it.

"Good morning!" I smiled as I walked into my kitchen, grabbing an apple off of the counter.

"Someone's in a good mood today." My sister snickered, pushing out a chair with her leg. I sat beside her, rolling my eyes and taking a bite of my apple, laughing at her comments she was making.

"Yeah, why're you so happy?" My mom asked, pouring me a glass of juice. "Did you and Luke-"

"No mom." I said monotonously. "That's too soon, I've been dating him for a month."

"Well you dated that other boy for three and had no problem-"

"Can we allow my good mood to continue and not discuss this?" I asked nastily, making sure my point was made.

My mother and sister looked at me, shocked that I could be so happy then turn bitter in a mere second. I gave a faint smile, taking a bite of my apple, then walking out the door. I still wondered what Luke had planned for tonight, and I couldn't wait to be surprised by him. He was such a sweet and caring boy, and I was honestly really glad to call him my boyfriend.

As I got to school, I instantly walked to my locker, another note falling out just like every other day. But this time, it was in an envelope, and this time it had 'Read Me' plastered on the front. I closed my locker and rested my back against it, peeling open the envelope. I smiled at the sparkled card that was inside as I read the small note that was written.

day 612:
I miss you. It's been a month, and I wish I could come up to you and kiss you and hug you once more. You are the love of my life, my soul-mate. You can call me crazy for saying it, but I know it's true. Please read every other note that has fallen from your locker every morning, since this is the last one I'll ever write.

I love you.
I miss you.

I looked at the letter, running my hands over the familiar writing, unlocking my locker once more and pulling out the box of notes I had kept in the far back corner. I opened it, looking at each folded piece of paper that was sealed with a heart sticker, taking one and opening it up.

day 543: hey babe! :) I hope you have a great day today!

day 236: good morning Chelsea, hope one day I can actually let you know I'm writing these

day 569: happy three month anniversary baby. I love you so much and I'm so glad we've gotten together, the day that you read this I hope a smile grows onto your face as you put it down then come to look for me, and hopefully I can have a kiss since this whole time it was me putting notes in your locker. I'm glad they brightened your mood when you felt down. I love you :)

I looked at the notes in awe as tears began to form in my eyes. I began to reread the notes, upset with myself that I hadn't opened any of them sooner. I didn't have to. I was happy with Calum, and I still am with Luke. There was no reason for me to open any of the notes since none of my days were ever down with them in my life. I folded each note I had opened, then put them into my back pack since I was planning on taking the box home to read each note I had received.

For six-hundred and twelve days he put notes into my locker. That's almost two whole years, minus vacation dates of course, but for every school day was even a lot. I had never walked to my locker with out a note falling out in the beginning of the day, and I felt terrible because Calum had been the one writing them all along.

Even when we were broken up.

I walked into our Calculus class, instantly hear Michael yell for me, his seat now being in front of me since Luke and I "talked too much". I turned back to look at Calum who looked around before smiling and waving at me.

"Hey." I smiled, my voice nearly choking up.

"H-Hi Chels." He stuttered, weaving his pencil between his fingers. "How's your day going?"

"It's been better." I sniffled, turning back around once I heard Michael call for me.

"Why're you talking to him?" He asked nastily, looking down at my homework.

"Am I not allowed to or something? Are you my dad or?"

"I mean I could be your daddy." He winked, causing me to feel like vomiting. "Oh whatever." He scoffed.

"Wait why can't I talk to him?"

"It's your ex. That's weird, you're taken now anyways."

"Okay, well you don't police me around, I'm sure Luke is fine with me talking to Calum. All I said was hi."

I rolled my eyes as Michael continued to act like he had a point in what he was rambling on about, and I tried to focus on my worksheet, but it was hard when all I wanted to do was turn around and talk to Calum.

As the bell rang, I waved bye to Calum and made my way back to my locker to eat lunch since Luke wasn't here today. I opened my locker, sad as I thought about Calum's notes, but the idea began to fade as I was surprised with a small brown bag in the center of my locker. I smiled, opening it as I pulled out a card, obviously written by Luke.

Happy one month! I hope you're having a pretty good day so far, I love and miss you, and I can't wait to pick you up tonight! I'll see you at 5 babe!
xoxo, Luke
(I looked that up ;) it means hugs and kisses.)

I laughed at Luke's wit towards the end of his note as I grabbed the bag and looked at the rest of the contents inside. He brought me my favorite macarons as well as a smoothie. I smiled, taking the treats and eating them slowly in front of my locker. It felt weird to be alone without Luke by my side, but I didn't mind since I knew I'd be reunited with him in a few hours.

"Hey." I head a familiar voice say behind me as I jumped out of shock.

"Hi." I smiled, holding out my bag to share. "How've you been?"

"I've been better." He winked, giving me a faint smile. "It's your one month I take it?"

"Yeah." I smiled sheepishly, embarrassed by the awkwardness of the conversation.

"Hey uh, I actually had a favor to ask of you."

"What's up?" I smiled, gripping tightly on the bag.

"I was wondering if you could tutor me."

Bullied By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now