Chapter Three

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It was only 5 am but I decided to wake up early to look somewhat presentable at school, and for after school as Calum and I would go on our first official date. After trying on what seemed like thousands of outfits, I finally chose a grey dress with flowers that went up to my collar bone and paired that with a cardigan, along with some ankle boots. I put on my everyday makeup look, but this time I took more caution into doing so, then I went on to curl my hair.

"Well doesn't someone look nice today." My mom asked, peeking her head into my bathroom. "What's the occasion?"

"No occasion." I smiled, trying hard to not burn myself with my curling iron. "I just felt like dressing up."

"Interesting." She smiled, continuing down the hall to wake up my sister.

"Wait mom." I called after her. "Do you mind if I'm home late tonight?"

"Have fun on your date." She winked. It was somewhat strange that my mom always knew what was going on in my life, but I liked it that way.

I decided to walk to school, feeling a little cold in the late January air, but I stuck it out since I only lived a few blocks down from the school.

"Good morning." I heard from behind me which had somewhat startled me. I turned around and was greeted by Calum, which to me, was no surprise. He lived even further away from the school, but I guess he walked as well.

"Excited for tonight?" He asked, twirling a strand of my hair on his finger.

"Of course I am." I blushed, looking down at my feet.

As we finally arrived at my locker, I opened it up and yet another note fell out.

"Who's that from?" Calum asked, giving me a strange look as I stuffed it in the box with all the others.

"I don't know to be honest."

"Chels has a secret admirer?" He laughed, tasering my sides with his fingers.

"I do not." I protested, closing my locker and leaning my back against it.

"Well aren't you going to read it?" He asked confused, which I responded to with a no.

"Get a room." I heard from a much too familiar voice.

"Shut up and go practice your music." Calum growled, not even having to turn around to know who it was.

"What music?" I asked as I watched Luke, Michael and Ashton walk by.

"They have some stupid band that they think will become something."

"Maybe it will." I suggested. "I'm not sure about Ashton or Michael, but Luke is actually a fairly well singer, and his skills on the guitar aren't too bad."

"You tutor him for one day and come back head over heels."

"I'm not head over heels!" I laughed, playfully punching his arm. "I'm observant!"

"Sure you are." He smiled, his lips curling up into perfection.

"Oh hey I forgot your jacket on my bed, I'll bring you it on Monday." I stuttered, realizing my mistakes.

Bullied By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now