Chapter Nine

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"Good morning." I heard Calum's raspy voice whisper in my ear. I turned over to have him in my sight as I smiled and kissed the side of his cheek.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Hey Chelsea?" He asked. "I'm sorry that this isn't special, but will you be my girlfriend?"

"Calum." I sighed. "I've been your girlfriend for like two months now, of course I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled, getting out of Calum's bed and going to the bathroom, using my finger to brush my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror, smiling because I had finally been asked out by Calum. After waiting for God knows how long, he and I were finally official.

"Chels? Ya good in there?" I heard Calum ask, slightly knocking on the door.

"Yeah in fine." I smiled, resting my hand on the side of my face. "I'll be out in a second."


As I tied my hair up in a messy bun, and removed the rest of my make up, I opened the door to his bathroom and saw Calum with his bass on the bed. I looked at him, admiring how his fingers plucked every string as he played a song that sounded somewhat similar to Luke's.

"What's that?" I asked, running my hands through his hair.

"A bass?" He laughed, putting it to the side and turning around to be face to face with me.

"No, no, the song."

"Oh. Just something a friend and I were messing around with."

"Will you play it for me?"

"Oh no, I can't do that." He laughed. "It wouldn't sound right, the bass never gets parts really so it just wouldn't ya know, sound good."

I laughed, looking at him as he continued to stutter. "Sing for me then?"

"What song?"

"This one." I said punching his cheeks. "Pretty please?" I asked.

"Fine." He sighed, picking his bass back up. "Only the beginning, I don't really like you why'd you want to go and make me feel this way? And I don't understand what's happened I keep saying things I never said."

I smiled at him as he sang the exact same song that Luke had sang to me. Of course, Calum sounded better, but maybe it was because he was my boyfriend.

"That's all." He smiled.

"I loved that! But I swear I've heard it before."

"Funny Chelsea." He laughed, tickling my sides. "But this is mine and my friends."

"I wanna hear it in total one day."

"One day you will."

"Pinky promise?" I asked sticking my pinky out.

"Pinky promise."

"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked, laying down on his bed as he got up.

"Well we ought to get out of here." He laughed, brushing his teeth. "Maybe we could go to the mall, or -"

"Actually, I have to tutor Luke." I sighed, letting out a deep breath of air.

"You have to? But it's Sunday." He whined.

"I'm sorry babe. But I made a commitment and I have to."

"Fine." He sighed. "I love you? Be safe, have fun."

"I never have fun." I frowned, grabbing my clothes and keeping his shirt on. "Bye babe, I'll call you later okay?"

"Okay." He smiled, giving me a kiss. "Let me walk you out?"

"You don't have to."

"I want to." He smiled. I followed him as he led me to the front door, keeping his hand in mine as he opened the door. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too babe." I smiled, giving him another kiss. "Bye." I frowned.

"Bye." He waved before closing the door.

I yawned, walking away from his house and up a few blocks to Luke's. I knocked on his door, hearing a loud booming from his upstairs rooms.

"Luke!" I yelled to his window. "Luke!"

I heard all the noise stop as I saw Luke look through his window with a panicked face. I watched as he disappeared then reappeared right in front of me as he opened the front door.

"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly.

"It's Sunday, you have tutoring today." I muttered.

"Now is not a good time."

"Luke, seriously? I left Calum's house to come here now could you let me inside so I could tutor your stupid self?"

"I'm not stupid." He frowned, crossing his arms.

"Luke, I didn't mean it like that, I'm just saying I have no other time today other than now so if you could just let me inside and tutor you for like two hours we can both be on our ways."

I watched him as he remained silent, looking up at his staircase then back at me, sighing and letting me into his house.

"Just be quiet." He muttered, leading me into a room down the hall.

"Why? Who's upstairs? Your latest hook up?" I laughed.

"No! Michael and Ashton. Just be quiet please."


"Because, it's for your safety, trust me."

"Who's that?" I asked, hearing a knock on his door.

He sighed, rolling his eyes and muttering under his breath. "It's nobody, I don't even know why they're here I told them I was canceling."

"Luke what's going on?"

"Nothing okay? Just please stay here." He mumbled, leaving the dark, cold room. There was literally nothing to do in here, so I texted Calum and awaited for a response. After what felt like forever, I was finally fed up with waiting, and I came to the conclusion that I simply didn't care if Ashton and Michael knew I was here. I quietly began to open Luke's door and made my way upstairs and into his room. I peeked into his music room, seeing him, Ashton, Michael and unfortunately, Calum. They were all going over the song Calum and Luke had sang to me. I smiled, seeing how happy Calum looked as he played the bass, and very well for that matter.

"I'll be right back." I heard Luke mumble as they finished the song.

"Luke!" I said under my breath as I saw him walk toward his room door.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I was curious!"

"You can't look in there!"

"Oh please, I already saw Cal in there so cut the crap."


"Yes I saw him. Okay? It's not a big deal, but just let me go talk to him." I murmured, walking into his music room.

"Chelsea?" I heard Calum ask as I looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry."

Bullied By Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now