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Suddenly the ground beneath my feet disappears, and I instantly fall through. My wings seem to be flightless as the wind rushes past me. Trying to gain control of my wings, which seems impossible, I see my white feathers rapidly fall off.
Turning my head towards my wings I see my once white feathers be replaced with pitch black ones. Frustration takes over my emotions because there was no way for me to slow down my fall. The control I had of my wings was gone for now, in the moment that I needed them most. A thought then appears in my head.
Where am I go-
I then feel myself slam into an extremely hard surface. The force of my impact makes the surrounding surface crack. I feel pain surround my whole body, which is understandable, seeing that I just fell out of the sky with no way to stop.
Slowly standing up while grunting in pain, I begin to look at my surroundings. I notice that there's a lot of trees.
I'm in what looks like a forest. I must be in Earth. Wait. Earth?! Ugh....seriously?! Earth is full of jerks.
I also notice that there's a huge crater around me from the impact I made.
Suddenly I feel a burning sensation on by left shoulder blade. The pain brought me to my knees, making me cry out in pain while clutching onto my shoulder blade. Soon the pain went away. Angling my head towards my back, I see a star with an intricate design inside. It was a symbol.
The symbol of a fallen angel.

Hi guys. So I made a new story. Hopefully it's better then my last one. If you're confused as to why I didn't add a name to the character it's because I want it to be a mystery to know who's the fallen angel. Comment what you think, and if I should continue.

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now