Chapter 1

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Danny's pov

Walking down the sidewalk, I bump into one person, and then another. It was pretty crowded on the streets of New York.
I had decided to walk around today considering that today was my day off from work, and because I was bored.
There wasn't much to do in my apartment, and I didn't have any friends.
People just didn't get along with my personality. I'm a very outspoken person. If I don't like you, I won't hesitate to tell you. I'm suprised that I even have a job.
It was nice today, but there was a cool breeze. That's why I wore a small jacket over my white tank top.
Staring down at my grey vans, I realized that I had no idea where I was going. I didn't think of a destination before stepping out of my apartment. Looking around I spot a Starbucks not too far away from where I was standing. I'm not a big fan of Starbucks, but I like to go every once in a while.
I begin to walk over until I bump into someone.
"Shoot. I'm sorry." they say before running off.
They didn't even wait for a response. Well people are always rushing around now. It wasn't a surprise.
I begin to fix my ponytail that was holding my waist long pitch black hair away from my face. Many people think that I dye my hair, but I don't. My hair was naturally a dark black, but I liked it that way. It made my baby blue eyes pop, unless my bangs were in the way.
It was a nice day beside the cool breeze that was blowing, which is why I wore a small jacket over my white tank top.
I continue with my path towards Starbucks without anymore obstacles. Walking into the small shop, I walk over to a small booth instead of the front counter to order. I didn't feel like ordering right now.
I begin to stare at my grey vans while being bored out of my mind. Times like these made me wish that I actually had friends, but like I said. I don't get along with most people.
The was a sudden crashing sound in the room. Looking towards the noise I see a young man who I'm guessing worked here, on the floor with a tray next to him. There was cups all over the floor, broken from the fall. Feeling bad for the guy, I get up, and walk towards him.
"Hey. Do you need help?" I ask while crouching down.
"Y-you don't have to."
Hmm. Shy.
"I know I don't have to, but I want to."
We then both begin to clean up in silence.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"Y-yeah. I'm just clumsy."
"Ok. Well I'm Daniela, but most people call me Danny."
"I-I'm Alex."
"Don't be shy."
I then begin to laugh.
"There's nothing to be sorry for."
Soon we both finished cleaning the mess.
"Thank you." Alex says quietly, not looking at me.
"No problem. See you around Alex. Also look up. I bet you're handsome, so don't hide your face." I say while turning around, and walking out of the shop.
Hmm. Alex...

Heyo! How's everyone? Hope you guys are liking the story so far. Comment, and vote I guess?

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