Chapter 8

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Walking home from work, I was determined to talk to Alex.
Suddenly while walking I bump into someone hard, causing us both to fall to the ground.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't watching were I was going." I say while getting up.
"It's ok. I wasn- Danny?"
"Alex! I need to talk to you."
"I was just going to talk to you."
"Well let's go to my apartment."
We began walking together to my apartment in complete silence.
Upon entering the building, and into my home, we sat down across from eachother on the couch.
I decided to break the silence before it got even more awkward, but Alex beat me to it.
"I'm sorry for blowing up on you like that. It wasn't right, and I didn't let you explain. I was going to come apologize the day afterwards, but I was afraid that you would be mad at me."
"Alex, I wasn't mad at you. You were confused and scared, so it clouded your thoughts for a while. I just want you to know that I don't think your crazy, and I accept your apology...hug?" I say while spreading my arms out.
I then gave him a huge bear hug.
"Since we've made up, do you want to have our movie night this Friday?"
"That would be fun."
Soon he had to leave because he had to work the next day, and I was left alone.
It was nice that we had finally made up, and with that I went to bed for the night.
The next morning I took a shower, and got dressed in my undergarments, black skinny jeans, a galaxy jumper, socks, and my black vans.
Today was Thursday, and tomorrow was the movie night. I only work Sunday thru Wednesday, so I didn't have work today.
I decided to head to the store to get some snacks for tomorrow, drop them off at my apartment, and then head to Starbucks to visit Alex.
There was nothing else to do after that.
While I was strolling around the store, I decided to buy some chips, Oreos, and some popcorn. There was some other snacks at home, so there wasn't much to buy.
After exiting the store, I walked home, dropped the snacks off, and began my walk over to Starbucks.
While walking to Starbucks a sudden pain hit my shoulder blade, making me fall to my knees.
Not again.
Getting up and ignoring the pain, I hurry to look for Alex.
Let's just hope that he isn't in serious trouble.

I'm such a liar, and I'm sorry for not updating. Comment?

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