Chapter 2

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Alex's pov

That was embarrassing, but it's not like it's the first time that this has happened. I'm an extremely clumsy person.
I was thankful that Danny had helped me though. Most people would've laughed, but Danny offered to help.
I was too shy to look up, so I didn't get to see much of her face.
She seemed like a nice person. When she told me about looking up, my face felt a little hot. No one had ever said that to me. It was weird.
I run my hand through my honey blonde hair that was in a quiff, and go back to work. Unfortunately most of the cups broke when I so gracefully fell. The good side was that my boss won't fire me...yet. He knows that I'm clumsy, so he's not too hard on me.
After a while of working, my shift was over. I gathered my things, and began to walk towards my apartment.

Danny's pov

Once I was back at my apartment, I begin to think about Alex. Weird.
He seems like a nice guy.
Maybe we can become friends?
Besides this could be a good thing.
A very good thing.
You sound like you might murder him.
I felt lonely in my apartment. Then again I always feel lonely.
Dang. I need to get friends.
What about Alex? He could become my friend.
Wait...I don't have his number.
I could see him tomorrow at his work
But you have work tomorrow.
Another fact about me is that I don't swear. Even though there are times where I wanted to talk like a sailor, I didn't. I just didn't like swearing.
It was getting late, so I went into my bathroom, took a quick shower, and got dressed into my pajamas which was a pair of blue shorts with a white t-shirt.
I decided that I would go see Alex when I wasn't at work.
He intrigued me, and I wanted to stick around cause something tells me that he tends to get into sticky situations sometimes.

Short chapter, but I think that I'm doing a good job for the most part. Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments. I'd love to hear from you guys. Thanks!😁

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