Chapter 15

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Alex's pov

I was in my room, alone. It was lonely and quiet, but when Danny was around she would always make everything exciting.
It's all my fault.
I didn't realize that someone was knocking on my front door until they sounded as if they were going to bust the door down.
Getting up from my bed, I went to the door, and opened it without checking to see who was on the other side.
"Hi Alex."
Wait...I recognize that voice.
Looking up, my eyes come into contact with a very familiar face.
Not even thinking about my actions, I immediately wrap my arms around her in a hug.
"I missed you so much. You will not believe how much I missed you being here. I'm sorry. So sorry. For everything."
"Alex. It's ok. Everything's ok.", Danny replies while rubbing my back.
"No, it's not ok. I was a jerk, and I'm sorry."
"Alex look at me."
She slowly brings my head up to look at her. She started to wipe away the tears that I didn't realize were falling down my cheeks.
"I forgive you. Though you're not the only one who needs to say sorry. I'm sorry for using you in the first place. It was never my intention of hurting you, I just wanted to go home. Once I started to hang out with you I learned that my home was with you. Alex, while I was here on Earth I began to grow feelings for you. I don't know how it works, but it just does. What I'm trying to say is that...I love you."
My heart seemed to have bursted with joy at her words.
"Danny, when you left I felt completely empty. It felt like something was missing. That something was you. I came to realize that I love you too. So much."
And suddenly I got a burst of courage, and pressed my lips to hers.
Soon she started to kiss me back, and it was amazing. Sparks and fireworks flew everywhere. It was paradise.

Danny's pov

Alex's arms wrapped around my waist as we continued to kiss. It was pure bliss.
He loves me too!!!!
I was excited about being here with him.
Slowly, we pulled away from eachother, but kept out foreheads touching.
"That was amazing.", I said.
"Agreed. Want to come in?"
"Of course silly."
Stepping inside, we head over to the couch.
Once we were cuddled up on the couch, Alex turns to look at me.
"How did you return Danny?"
"Um...well. I'm not quite sure. I remember that I was sitting on a cloud watching over you still after the head angel had left. All the other angels were looking at me with pity, until the head angel arrived. He walked up to me and said, 'The Boss and I decided to let you return to Earth if you wish. We have seen the bond you and Alex have made. Do you wish to return?'. I was so excited. You don't know how much I wanted to come back and apologize. After I accepted, I was sent back here without the whole crash landing scene. When I stepped on ground, I immediately took off running towards here. I needed to see you again. Even if you didn't want to see me."
Suddenly Alex pressed his lips to mine, but as quickly as it came, it left.
"Of course I wanted to see you Danny. I love you."
With just those words, I felt butterflies explode in my stomach.

Again sorry for not updating for a while. School's about to end, I have a concert soon, and there's so many things to do. Hope you have a great day, comment, and thanks for reading!

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