Chapter 6

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Me and Danny spent the rest of the morning goofing off, until it was time for her to get ready for work.
Before I left we had agreed to have another movie night next week, but on a Friday.
Walking to my apartment next door, I get a feeling that something bad was going to happen today.
Shrugging the feeling off I get dressed in a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, flannel, socks, and my black vans.
Stepping out of my home, and the building, I begin my usual walk around the city.
While walking around I still couldn't shake the feeling of something bad happening today off.

Danny's pov

Something about today was off, but I couldn't tell what.
I was at work physically, but somewhere else mentally.
I was trying to decipher this feeling until I was interrupted by the sound of the door ringing.
It was only the highschoolers that usually came to hang out around here during lunch. Sometimes they came around after school.
"Hey Danny."
"Hey guys."
I then decide to head to the restroom to wash my face off, to see if that would wipe away this awful feeling that I have.

Alex's pov

While walking down the streets of New York, a hand suddenly comes out of an alley, and pulls me towards the owner.
He then pulls a gun up towards my head.
"Give me all your money kid, and you won't get hurt."
The voice was rough and deep, meaning it was most likely a male.
"I don't have my wallet or any money on me!" I say, trying not to show any fear.
That was until I was thrown towards the ground.
I knew something bad was going to happen!
As the man raises his gun to shoot me, I close my eyes waiting for the blow...but it never came.
Slowly opening my eyes, I see someone fighting with the mugger.
I couldn't get a good look at this mysterious person, but it looked as if they had...wings?
How can someone have wings?
I tried to get a look at my defender, but they had a baseball cap that casted a shadow over their face, making it hard to get a view of the stangers face.
The mugger gets up and quickly runs away, scared.
"You ok kid?" I couldn't decipher their voice, so I couldn't tell if it was male or female.
"Y-yeah. T-thanks." I say while looking up.
I was met with voilet eyes.
"No problem. Stay safe kid."
And with that, the stanger took off into the sky with a huge gust of wind.
Stil on the ground, I was left confused and in awe.
I had just seen someone with wings!
I'm probably going insane.
Getting up from the ground and walking out of the alley, I decided that it would be best to stay at home for today.
That was enough excitement for one day.

Hey guys! The fallen angel makes an appearance!
I'm probably going to be updating more often since I just got off for spring break. So keep on reading.
Thanks for reading you guys. It means a lot.
Make sure to comment!

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